(A)   Solid waste containers are maintained at numerous sites throughout the county for the convenience of county residents. Solid wastes may be deposited in the solid waste containers only in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   All solid wastes shall be deposited inside the solid waste container. No solid waste may be left at the solid waste disposal site outside the container.
   (C)   Commercial, industrial and institutional solid wastes may be deposited in solid waste containers only upon the written authorization of the Solid Waste Director.
   (D)   The following wastes may not be deposited in solid waste containers:
      (1)   Hazardous wastes;
      (2)   Liquid wastes;
      (3)   Regulated medical wastes;
      (4)   Radioactive wastes;
      (5)   Land-clearing debris;
      (6)   Dead animals;
      (7)   Concrete;
      (8)   Herbicides;
      (9)   Pesticides;
      (10)   Burning or smoldering materials, or any other materials that would create a fire hazard;
      (11)   Yard waste;
      (12)   Scrap tires;
      (13)   White goods;
      (14)   Out-of-county waste;
      (15)   Sharps not properly contained;
      (16)   Sludges;
      (17)   Used oil;
      (18)   Lead-acid batteries;
      (19)   Asbestos; or
      (20)   Any other material designated by the Division.
   (E)   No person shall loiter and/or congregate on any container site property and no vehicle shall be left unattended on the property.
   (F)   Solid waste containers shall not be used by licensed solid waste collectors as a means of disposal for solid waste collected from commercial, institutional, industrial or residential customers.
   (G)   No person shall remove any contents from solid waste containers.
(Ord. O-93-14, passed 9-7-1993) Penalty, see § 50.99