General Provisions
162.001 Title
162.002 Authority
162.003 Purpose
162.004 Effective date
162.005 Jurisdiction
162.006 Abrogation and greater restrictions
162.007 Interpretation
162.008 Repeal
162.009 Rules and definitions
162.010 Use and site restrictions
162.011 Separability
162.012 Exception on setback requirements
162.013 Definitions
162.014 Building sight visibility
Administration and Enforcement
162.025 Generally
162.026 Planning Commission
162.027 Board of Adjustment
162.028 Payment of review fees
162.029 Permits
162.030 Variances
162.031 Appeals
162.032 Amendments
Zoning Districts and Map
162.045 Districts
162.046 Overlay Map
162.047 Map
162.048 Boundaries
District Regulations
162.060 Use chart
162.061 Use definitions
162.062 Residential Conservancy
162.063 Rural Residential/Limited Agriculture
162.064 Rural Residential Growth/Transitional
162.065 R-1 Low Density Residential
162.066 R-2 Medium Density Residential
162.067 TDC Traditional Downtown Commercial
162.068 G-C General Commercial
162.069 HC Highway Commercial
162.070 I Industrial
162.071 PUD Planned Unit Development
162.072 Shoreland Overlay Zone
162.073 Emergency Response Area (ERA)
Performance Standards
162.085 General
162.086 Fire hazards
162.087 Vibration
162.088 Air pollution
162.089 Refuse
162.090 Dwelling units and structures
162.091 Accessory structures (permanent)
162.092 Minor structures, fences and walls
162.093 Temporary structures
162.094 Portable storage containers
162.095 Vehicles and equipment
162.096 Lighting
162.097 Excavating and filling operations
162.098 Landscaping
162.099 Transportation interconnectivity
162.100 Major traffic generators and traffic impact studies
162.101 Storm water management and erosion control
162.102 Wetlands
162.103 Bluffs
162.104 Home occupations
162.105 Hazardous materials
162.106 Solar structures and solar gardens/farms
162.107 Loading and unloading requirements
162.108 Off-street parking requirements
162.109 Cannabis regulations
Non-Conforming Uses, Structures and Lots
162.120 Purpose
162.121 Definitions
162.122 Rights
162.123 Lawful non-conformity
162.124 Expansion prohibited
162.125 Changes and substitutions
162.126 Substandard lots
162.999 Penalty