(A)   Purpose. To allow for the continued use and redevelopment of the downtown or central business district for mixed commercial, service, recreational and residential use. This district is intended to promote the preservation of the traditional historic downtown development pattern typified by densely developed zero lot line structures, multi-occupancy (commercial, service or residential) buildings and mixed use lower level commercial and upper story residential use. A portion of the TDC district is also covered by the Heritage Preservation District, as described in Ch. 159 of this code of ordinances.
   (B)   Uses. See the Use Chart located in § 162.060 of this chapter for all permitted, conditional and interim uses.
   (C)   Standards; district performance standards.
      (1)   Lot standards.
Maximum accessory height
20 feet
Maximum principle height without CUP
35 feet
Maximum residential density
Minimum lot frontage
5 feet
Minimum lot size
Minimum lot width
      (2)   Principal building setbacks.
Corner side street
      (3)   Accessory building setbacks.
Behind principle structure
3 feet
Corner side street
5 feet
3 feet
   (D)   District parking standards. The following amount standards for off-street parking shall apply within the TDC District only and must be provided within 1,000 feet measured from the nearest point of the structure to the nearest point of the off-street parking lot. For uses allowed in the TDC, but not indicated in the following chart, no off-street parking is required (unless required within a CUP). Amount standards apply to new construction only, including any building expansions. Expansion will require that the amount of parking apply to the expansion area only. All parking design standards contained within § 162.108 of this chapter shall apply to the TDC Zone. Additional parking may be required on a case by case basis as part of a conditional or interim use permit.
Parking Requirement
Parking Requirement
Apartment buildings or mixed uses with 6 or more dwelling units
1 space per every dwelling unit
Commercial retail, professional services, funeral parlors and minor repair and maintenance services over 3,000 square feet of usable floor area
1 space per every 500 square feet
Hotels and motels
1 space per every three rooms
Indoor commercial entertainment and recreational facilities, cultural institutions, restaurants, bars/cocktail lounges, over 3,000 square feet
1 space for every 500 square feet
Mixed uses
For any structure or development which involves more than 1 type of land use, the total off-street parking required shall be the sum of the various uses computed separately
Office uses with over 5 employees
1 space for every two employees
Places of public assembly
1 space per every 6 seats or 1 space for every 10 feet of pews
Single-family attached residential
1.5 spaces per dwelling unit
Single-family detached residential
2 spaces per dwelling unit
(Prior Code, § 305.06) (Ord. passed 12-18-2007; Ord. passed 7-2-2018)