   93.01   Findings
   93.02   Drains to discharge away from street
   93.03   Existing drains and downspouts
   93.04   Appeals for deviations from standards
   93.05   Drains/sump pumps that discharge in the street
   93.99   Penalty
§ 93.01 FINDINGS.
   (A)   The City of Villa Hills has determined that the conducting of rain or groundwater to the edges of public streets has and will continue to cause damages to the streets; and
   (B)   The conducting of rain and groundwater into public streets has and will continue to create conditions adversely affecting the safety of the residents of Villa Hills.
(Prior Code, § 8.16.010) (Ord. 1991-4, passed - -; Am. Ord. 2004-02, passed 4-21-2004)
   (A)   Roof and downspouts, footing, or foundation drains shall be discharged onto the same parcel of land from which the water is generated. Roof downspouts shall be piped to natural draining areas away from the street or onto concrete splash blocks, which direct water away from the building structure into swales or other natural drainage areas. Downspouts and sump pump pipe outlets that discharge water in the direction of the public street right-of-way shall extend toward the public street right-of-way at least five feet (5')and no more than ten feet (10') from the building foundation wall. No additional roof or subsurface drains shall be connected through the curb or into the gutter section of the street.
   (B)   Building downspouts pipe outlets and sump pump pipe outlets shall discharge on a pervious area of the lot with the following conditions:
      (1)   Downspout and sump pump pipe outlets that discharge water in an area of the building lot that does not flow in the direction of the public street right-of-way must extend at least five feet (5') from the building foundation and may extend more than ten feet (10') from the building foundation wall but not to an area where it will direct water into an area within five feet (5') of structures or improvements on adjoining properties or causes standing water on the building lot or adjoining properties. Downspout outlets placement for any structure in use at the adoption of Ordinance 2013-24 may continue as long as the downspout outlet satisfies the placement requirements in force at the time the structure was built.
      (2)   Downspouts and sump pump pipes outlets shall not discharge onto non-pervious areas (driveways, sidewalks, etc.) that flow onto or toward the public street right-of-way unless such discharge is unavoidable due to the structure's design or other zoning or building requirements. In such instances, no more than 20% of a roof may drain onto a non-pervious surface.
      (3)   Downspout and sump pump pipes outlets shall not discharge directly into the public street right-of-way.
      (4)   Property owners who do not meet these requirements shall have one hundred and eighty (180) days to bring their property into compliance or seek an appeal for deviation from these standards as required in section § 93.04.
(Prior Code, § 8.16.020) (Ord. 1991-4, passed - -; Am. Ord. 2004-02, passed 4-21-2004; Am. Ord. 2013-24, passed 1-22-2014) Penalty, see § 93.99
   (A)   Existing downspouts or subsurface drains constructed toward the street which discharge directly in to the storm sewer or catch basin will be permitted to continue at the owner’s risk.
   (B)   Existing drains that outlet directly into the street gutter line must be removed within one hundred eighty (180) days of the adoption of this chapter and comply with § 93.02.
(Prior Code, § 8.16.030) (Ord. 1991-4, passed - -; Am. Ord. 2004-02, passed 4-21-2004) Penalty, see § 93.99
   (A)   The City of Villa Hills is aware that there will be certain situations on individual properties within the city where the above regulations cannot be met. In the event a property owner is of the opinion that he/she cannot meet the requirements of the above regulation without causing a drainage burden on his/her property or on an adjoining property, the property owner shall contact Sanitation District No. 1 (SD1) to obtain a tap-in permit for their roof drains/sump pump into the storm water system. The property owner shall notify the city in writing that a tap-in permit has been requested. Upon approval of a tap-in permit property owners shall obtain a permit from the Director of Public Works for the extension, replacement, or new installation of downspouts, or sump pump pipe outlets located more than ten feet (10') from the structure. The owner shall be responsible for any tap-in fees and all costs related to said tap-in. Work shall be performed by a licensed plumber. No contractor shall be permitted to alter any sidewalk, street surface, or curb in any way without a permit from the Public Works Director.
   (B)   If the tap-in permit is denied by Sanitation District No. 1, the property owner shall make a written request to the Mayor for a waiver. The Mayor shall forward the waiver request to a board that will consider the waiver request and issue a written approval or denial of the waiver. This Board shall consist of the Mayor, the City Engineer, the Director of Public Works, and Council designees as appointed by the Mayor.
   (C)   In instances when the city is reconstructing a street or a portion thereof, the city may offer a program to property owners to tap into the storm water system upon approval of Sanitation District No. 1. Owners are responsible for all costs associated with extending downspouts and sump pump pipe outlets to the curb. Pipe up to twenty feet (20') away from the curb must be either schedule 40 or SDR35 non-perforated pipe. The city may establish by municipal order a fee to recover all or part of the costs associated with the city's expense of any such program.
(Prior Code, § 8.16.050) (Ord. 1991-4, passed - -; Am. Ord. 2004-02, passed 4-21-2004; Am. Ord. 2013-24, passed 1-22-2014)