General Provisions
   33.01   Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
   33.02   Freedom of Information Act; Open Meeting Act
   33.03   Federal Surplus Property Program
   33.04   Prevailing wage rate
   33.05   Travel reimbursement policy
Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment
   33.20   Prohibition on sexual harassment
   33.21   Sexual harassment defined
   33.22   Procedure for reporting an allegation of sexual harassment
   33.23   Prohibition on retaliation for reporting sexual harassment allegations
   33.24   Consequences of sexual harassment
   33.25   Consequences of knowingly making a false report
Residential Home Development Program
   33.40   Goals and objectives; authority
   33.41   Purpose and overview
   33.42   Program description and terms
   33.43   Eligible applicants and properties
   33.44   Eligible development costs
   33.45   Application submission and review
   The city does hereby elect to participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, effective January 1, 1972.
(Ord. 71-2, passed 11-8-1971)
   (A)   (1)   The following officers and employees of the city are hereby designated FOIA officers, and alternate FOIA officers of the city pursuant to 5 ILCS 140/3.5(a):
         (a)   City Clerk, primary FOIA officer;
         (b)   City Treasurer, first alternate FOIA officer; and
         (c)   Deputy City Clerk, second alternate FOIA officer.
      (2)   If the primary FOIA officer is absent from the city, or otherwise unable to perform the duties of FOIA officer, then the first alternate FOIA officer shall act as the FOIA officer. If both the primary FOIA officer and the first alternate FOIA officer are absent from the city, or are otherwise unable to perform the duties of the FOIA officer, then the second alternate FOIA officer shall act as the FOIA officer.
   (B)   All FOIA officers designated in division (A) above must complete the training offered by the Illinois Open Meetings Act, as required in 5 ILCS 120/1.05(a).
   (C)   The primary FOIA officer is authorized to develop and use the following in order to implement the FOIA for the city:
      (1)   Forms to utilize the FOIA: among the forms that the primary FOIA officer may establish include, but are not limited to, the following:
         (a)   Checklist;
         (b)   Request form;
         (c)   Notice of incomplete form;
         (d)   Supplemental information form;
         (e)   Notice of approval;
         (f)   Acknowledgment of inspection;
         (g)   Notice of extension of time;
         (h)   Request of extension of time;
         (i)   Extension agreement;
         (j)   Notice for meeting;
         (k)   Acknowledgment of narrowed request;
         (l)   General notice of denial/partial denial of request;
         (m)   Notice intent to deny; and
         (n)   Notice of denial/partial denial of request.
      (2)   Establish fees for copying and certification of FOIA request.
   (D)   In carrying out the provisions of division (C) above, the primary FOIA officer shall comply with the FOIA (5 ILCS 140/1 et seq.).
(Ord. 10-01, passed 1-20-2010)
   The elected officials of the city consent and decree that the city is authorized to participate in the State of Illinois Federal Surplus Property Program, being 20 ILCS 430/0.01 et seq.
(Res. 13-04, passed 11-6-2013)
   The prevailing wage rate provisions are hereby adopted by reference and incorporated into this code as fully as if set out at length herein.
(Ord. 14-02, passed 6-4-2014; Ord. 15-03, passed 6-17-2015; Ord. 16-06, passed 6-15-2016; Ord. 17-04, passed 6-21-2017; Ord. 18-04, passed 6-6-2018)
   The recitals set forth herein above shall be and are hereby incorporated as findings of fact as if said recitals were fully set forth herein.
   (A)   Definitions.
      ENTERTAINMENT. Includes, but is not limited to, shows, amusements, theaters, circuses, sporting events, or any other place of public or private entertainment or amusement, unless ancillary to the purpose of the program or event.
      PUBLIC BUSINESS. Expenses incurred in the performance of a public purpose which is required or useful for the benefit of the city in order to carry out the responsibilities of city business.
      TRAVEL. Any expenditure directly incident to official travel by employees and officers of the city of Vienna or by wards or charges of the city involving reimbursement to travelers or direct payment to private agencies providing transportation or related services.
   (B)   The city shall provide reimbursement for eligible public business expenses incurred by city employees, appointed officials, and elected officials while traveling on public business. Prior to incurring any travel expenses for public business, registration information and/or projected travel expenses must be submitted to the employee's supervisor or City Council for verification of funds availability, justification for attendance, and approval.
   (C)   No reimbursement of travel, meal or lodging expenses incurred by a city employee, appointed official, or elected official shall be authorized unless the "Travel, Meal, and Lodging Expense Reimbursement Request Form", attached hereto and made a part hereof, has been submitted to and approved by the City Council. All reimbursements for travel, meals, and lodging expenses incurred by its employees while traveling on public business shall have sufficient budget appropriation in order to be approved. All documents and information submitted with the form shall be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/1 et seq).
   (D)   Reimbursable expenses.
      (1)   Registration fees. Registration fees for meetings, seminars, or conventions. Documentation is required including agenda if available.
      (2)   Transportation costs. The most economical mode of transportation shall be selected. Criteria to be considered include the length of the trip, travel time, and cost. Allowable transportation costs include:
         (a)   City vehicle. Actual expenses for gas, oil, repairs, and other operating expenses will be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts.
         (b)   Personal vehicle. Mileage reimbursement shall be in accordance with applicable IRS guidelines. Employees must submit actual beginning and ending odometer readings to substantiate mileage. Alternately, mileage may be substantiated by an internet mapping service which calculates the mileage by the most direct route possible.
         (c)   Air travel. Air travel shall be at the lowest available fare, and, if possible, planned in advance to take advantage of the most economical rates. Receipts are required.
         (d)   Other transportation costs. Rental of automobiles, taxis, or public transportation are reimbursed at cost with verification of receipts.
      (3)   Lodging. Reimbursement for lodging expenses shall be for the actual expenses incurred and shall only cover the minimum number of nights required for the event. The lodging shall be reasonable in accommodations and expense.
      (4)   Meals. Receipts must substantiate the cost of meals. Meals shall be reasonable in expense.
   (E)   Non-reimbursable expenses.
      (1)   The city shall not reimburse any city employee, appointed official, or elected official for any travel activities which would be considered entertainment. However, activities which would otherwise be considered entertainment, but which are ancillary to the purpose of the program or event, may be reimbursed in accordance with the provisions of this section.
      (2)   Expenses related to a traveling spouse or guests are not eligible for reimbursement.
      (3)   Alcohol is specifically excluded from reimbursement.
(Ord. 17-01, passed 2-1-2017)