General Provisions
33.01 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
33.02 Freedom of Information Act; Open Meeting Act
33.03 Federal Surplus Property Program
33.04 Prevailing wage rate
33.05 Travel reimbursement policy
Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment
33.20 Prohibition on sexual harassment
33.21 Sexual harassment defined
33.22 Procedure for reporting an allegation of sexual harassment
33.23 Prohibition on retaliation for reporting sexual harassment allegations
33.24 Consequences of sexual harassment
33.25 Consequences of knowingly making a false report
Residential Home Development Program
33.40 Goals and objectives; authority
33.41 Purpose and overview
33.42 Program description and terms
33.43 Eligible applicants and properties
33.44 Eligible development costs
33.45 Application submission and review
(A) (1) The following officers and employees of the city are hereby designated FOIA officers, and alternate FOIA officers of the city pursuant to 5 ILCS 140/3.5(a):
(a) City Clerk, primary FOIA officer;
(b) City Treasurer, first alternate FOIA officer; and
(c) Deputy City Clerk, second alternate FOIA officer.
(2) If the primary FOIA officer is absent from the city, or otherwise unable to perform the duties of FOIA officer, then the first alternate FOIA officer shall act as the FOIA officer. If both the primary FOIA officer and the first alternate FOIA officer are absent from the city, or are otherwise unable to perform the duties of the FOIA officer, then the second alternate FOIA officer shall act as the FOIA officer.
(B) All FOIA officers designated in division (A) above must complete the training offered by the Illinois Open Meetings Act, as required in 5 ILCS 120/1.05(a).
(C) The primary FOIA officer is authorized to develop and use the following in order to implement the FOIA for the city:
(1) Forms to utilize the FOIA: among the forms that the primary FOIA officer may establish include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Checklist;
(b) Request form;
(c) Notice of incomplete form;
(d) Supplemental information form;
(e) Notice of approval;
(f) Acknowledgment of inspection;
(g) Notice of extension of time;
(h) Request of extension of time;
(i) Extension agreement;
(j) Notice for meeting;
(k) Acknowledgment of narrowed request;
(l) General notice of denial/partial denial of request;
(m) Notice intent to deny; and
(n) Notice of denial/partial denial of request.
(2) Establish fees for copying and certification of FOIA request.
(D) In carrying out the provisions of division (C) above, the primary FOIA officer shall comply with the FOIA (5 ILCS 140/1 et seq.).
(Ord. 10-01, passed 1-20-2010)