General Provisions
33.01 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
33.02 Freedom of Information Act; Open Meeting Act
33.03 Federal Surplus Property Program
33.04 Prevailing wage rate
33.05 Travel reimbursement policy
Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment
33.20 Prohibition on sexual harassment
33.21 Sexual harassment defined
33.22 Procedure for reporting an allegation of sexual harassment
33.23 Prohibition on retaliation for reporting sexual harassment allegations
33.24 Consequences of sexual harassment
33.25 Consequences of knowingly making a false report
Residential Home Development Program
33.40 Goals and objectives; authority
33.41 Purpose and overview
33.42 Program description and terms
33.43 Eligible applicants and properties
33.44 Eligible development costs
33.45 Application submission and review