   113.01   Definition
   113.02   Vendor’s license required
   113.03   Vendor licenses
   113.04   Public health and sanitation
   113.99   Penalty
§ 113.01 DEFINITION.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   VENDOR. A person or business that sells, serves, offers for sale or gives away prepared food from any motorized or non-motorized vehicle, trailer, kiosk, push-cart, stand or other portable device.
(Ord. 11-01, passed 1-5-2011)
   (A)   No vendor, unless located and operating at a festival or special event held within the city limits, shall sell or offer to sell to the public prepared foods that may be consumed either on or off of the vendor’s premises, without first applying for and obtaining a local license from the city.
   (B)   In order to receive a city vendor’s license, an applicant must provide the following to the city:
      (1)   A $300 license fee, which must be paid every year the business is in operation;
      (2)   The permanent address of the owner of the vending establishment;
      (3)   The proposed address for the location of the business establishment;
      (4)   A sales tax identification number;
      (5)   Adequate proof of public liability insurance;
      (6)   A copy of the public liability insurance must accompany the application for license and each renewal application; and
      (7)   Any other pertinent information that the city may find to be reasonably necessary for the acquisition of a vendor’s license.
   (C)   A separate license is required for each separate vending location, even if owned by the same person, firm or corporation.
   (D)   The license fee set forth in this chapter is non-refundable and shall be due and payable along with the vendor’s initial license application or renewal. The license fee shall be prorated to the date that vendor applies for a vendor’s license.
(Ord. 11-01, passed 1-5-2011)