(a) All garbage and waste shall be removed from the premises daily.
(b) Covered solid metal garbage pails and covered solid metal rubbish containers shall be provided and shall be of such capacity and number as to take care of properly all garbage and refuse emanating from the house trailers intended to be serviced.
(c) All drains from showers, sinks, toilets, etc., must, whenever such connection is available, be connected to the Municipal sewer system in a manner approved by Council, and where such connection is not available, be connected to a septic tank of such construction, capacity and location as shall meet with the approval of Council.
(d) The use of any type of chemical toilets or other similar fixtures in house trailers is prohibited.
(e) No fires shall at any time be so located as to endanger automobiles or other property. No fires shall be left unattended at any time, and all fires shall be completely extinguished before leaving.
(f) An approved incinerator shall be furnished in accordance with specifications or regulations of the Butler Township Fire Department or Fire Chief for the burning of all combustible waste or rubbish unless daily removal of all such waste, rubbish, trash, etc., is provided.
(Ord. 333. Passed 4-5-54.)
Each trailer tourist park shall be provided with an adequate supply of water furnished through an approved pipe distribution system connected directly with Municipal water mains. No common drinking vessels shall be permitted. No drinking water faucets shall be placed in any toilet room or water closet compartment. Supply faucets should be located within at least one hundred feet from any house trailer.
(Ord. 333. Passed 4-5-54.)
All entrances and exits from the park shall be well marked and so arranged that they will not constitute a traffic hazard. All driveways within the tourist park shall be hard surfaced and not less than twenty feet in width, well marked in the daytime and lighted in the night, and so located that each unit of the park is easily accessible.
(Ord. 333. Passed 4-5-54.)
(a) Each trailer tourist park shall be under the direct management of the owner, his or her agent or representative. Such person must be of good reputation and character and shall operate such park from an office located on the grounds where a record of all guests shall be maintained including the following information:
(1) Name and address of each occupant;
(2) License number of all units;
(3) State issuing such licenses;
(4) Statement indicating the exact location at which the house trailer was last located (state, city, town, village). A copy of such registry shall be posted in or on the house trailer for which it is issued. The manager's copy shall be available for inspection by any person at all times and shall be neatly and securely maintained. No record shall be destroyed until expiration of a twelve month period following date of registration.
(b) It shall be the duty of the park manager to:
(1) Provide for the collection and removal of garbage or other waste material;
(2) Prohibit the placing or storage of unsightly material or vehicles of any kind;
(3) Provide for the regular cleansing, painting, repairing or disinfecting of all buildings within the camp area;
(4) Execute such other measures as may be deemed necessary by the officials charged with the enforcement of this chapter to preserve the health, comfort, safety and general welfare of all persons residing in the camp and of the general public;
(5) Cause each cat, dog or other pet animal to be kept under control either by being tied up or confined in a proper enclosure;
(6) Prevent the committing of any nuisance on the camp premises and report immediately to the proper authorities all acts of a disorderly character committed by any person within the camp;
(7) Adopt any measure necessary to prevent trespassing upon premises of adjacent property owner;
(8) Provide a two and one-half gallon fire extinguisher at the location of each supply faucet. Such extinguisher shall be of an approved chemical type.
(Ord. 333. Passed 4-5-54.)