The provisions of Section 874.04 relating to the location of trailer tourist parks shall not apply to such parks as have been located within the Municipality for a period of more than three years.
(Ord. 333. Passed 4-5-54.)
All land used as a tourist park shall be located on well drained sites of ample size, free from heavy growth of brush or weeds. The land shall be properly graded, so as to insure rapid drainage during and following rain, and shall be drained so as to be free from stagnant pools of water.
(Ord. 333. Passed 4-5-54.)
Each site reserved for the accommodation of any house trailer shall not be less than thirty feet wide by twenty-five feet deep, and shall be clearly defined by proper markers at each corner. The site shall be level, free from rocks and weeds, and shall be well drained. No house trailer shall be located closer than thirty feet to any street property line or any adjacent property line, nor shall it be closer than twenty feet to any other house trailer, building, garbage or refuse depository or water faucet within the defined park.
(Ord. 333. Passed 4-5-54.)
Each trailer park shall provide, at locations hereinafter defined, toilets, urinals, wash basins, slop sinks, showers or baths, water faucets, etc., in accordance with the following specifications:
(a) One toilet or stool for each sex for every ten house trailer spaces or fraction thereof.
(b) Each toilet room provided for men shall have in addition one urinal stall.
(c) Each toilet room having three toilets or fraction thereof shall be provided with one lavatory or wash basin.
(d) One shower or bathtub shall be provided for each sex for each ten house trailer spaces or fraction thereof.
(e) All toilets, showers, baths or laundry facilities shall be placed in properly constructed buildings located not more than three hundred feet from any house trailer space
(f) Buildings shall be well lighted at all times of day and night, well ventilated with screened openings, and constructed of such moistureproof material, including well painted woodwork, as shall permit rapid and satisfactory cleaning, scouring and washing.
(g) The floors shall be of concrete or similar material, elevated not less than four inches above ground level, and each room provided with floor drains,
(h) Slop sinks or basins with water supply shall be provided in such number and constructed in accordance with such design, size and material as required by the City Manager, They are to be located not more than one hundred and fifty feet from each trailer space.
(i) All plumbing installations shall be made in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Ohio Building Code or the Residential Code of Ohio for One, Two and Three Family Dwellings.
(j) Toilet facilities for men and women shall be in separate buildings at least twenty feet apart.
(k) A cement platform of adequate and approved size, completely draining to a catch basin, shall be provided to be used for draining waste water tanks and for the washing of automobiles and house trailers. No waste water shall be discharged from any waste tanks upon the ground or any other place except on such cement platform. Each such platform shall be flushed as often as necessary to keep it clean and in a sanitary condition.
(Ord. 333. Passed 4-5-54; Ord. 22-04. Passed 2-21-22.)
(a) All garbage and waste shall be removed from the premises daily.
(b) Covered solid metal garbage pails and covered solid metal rubbish containers shall be provided and shall be of such capacity and number as to take care of properly all garbage and refuse emanating from the house trailers intended to be serviced.
(c) All drains from showers, sinks, toilets, etc., must, whenever such connection is available, be connected to the Municipal sewer system in a manner approved by Council, and where such connection is not available, be connected to a septic tank of such construction, capacity and location as shall meet with the approval of Council.
(d) The use of any type of chemical toilets or other similar fixtures in house trailers is prohibited.
(e) No fires shall at any time be so located as to endanger automobiles or other property. No fires shall be left unattended at any time, and all fires shall be completely extinguished before leaving.
(f) An approved incinerator shall be furnished in accordance with specifications or regulations of the Butler Township Fire Department or Fire Chief for the burning of all combustible waste or rubbish unless daily removal of all such waste, rubbish, trash, etc., is provided.
(Ord. 333. Passed 4-5-54.)