   No person shall use for human habitation within the Municipality, any house trailer unless it is located in an approved trailer tourist park, and unless it is used in strict compliance with the regulations prescribed in this chapter for the operation of trailer tourist parks.
(Ord. 333. Passed 4-5-54.)
   No person owning or occupying a trailer located in the Municipality shall remove or cause to be removed the wheels or any similar transporting devices from the trailer or otherwise fix permanently the trailer to the ground in a manner that would prevent the ready removal of the trailer.
(Ord. 333. Passed 4-5-54.)
874.04   ZONING.
   Any trailer tourist park hereafter established within the Municipality shall be located on an approved site outside of the residential zone, as defined in the Zoning Code, but shall be located in a business or industrial district as designated in the Zoning Code, and in addition shall be at least one thousand feet from any residence district unless separated by a natural or artificial barrier such as a river, railroad, levy embankment, etc.
(Ord. 333. Passed 4-5-54.)
   The provisions of Section 874.04 relating to the location of trailer tourist parks shall not apply to such parks as have been located within the Municipality for a period of more than three years.
(Ord. 333. Passed 4-5-54.)
874.06   LOCATION.
   All land used as a tourist park shall be located on well drained sites of ample size, free from heavy growth of brush or weeds. The land shall be properly graded, so as to insure rapid drainage during and following rain, and shall be drained so as to be free from stagnant pools of water.
(Ord. 333. Passed 4-5-54.)