6-1-1: Short Title
6-1-2: Scope; Exemptions
6-1-3: Definitions
6-1-4: Code Adoption
6-1-5: Copies Of Codes On File
6-1-6: Chapter Amendments
6-1-7: References To City, City Council And Mayor
6-1-8: Amendments To Adopted Codes
6-1-9: Permit Requirements
6-1-10: Administration And Enforcement
6-1-11: Inspection
6-1-12: Limitation Of Responsibility
6-1-13: Board Of Appeals
6-1-14: Injunction Upon Affidavit Setting Out Nonconformity
6-1-15: Violations; Penalties
6-1-16: Civil Action
6-1-17: Severability
6-1-18: Appendix; Idaho Amendments To International Building And Energy Codes
This chapter shall be known as the VALLEY COUNTY BUILDING CODE. (Ord. 11-2, 4-11-2011)
   A.   Scope: The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all buildings and construction within the unincorporated areas of Valley County, except as otherwise herein provided.
   B.   Exemptions:
      1.   Cities: The provisions of this chapter shall not apply within the city of Cascade, the city of Donnelly, the city of McCall, and the impact area for the city of McCall.
      2.   Chemical Processing; Mineral Extraction: Structures used primarily for industrial chemical process purposes and for mineral extraction and mineral processing purposes shall be exempt from this chapter, except for erection and fabrication of new structures that provide space for human occupancy and equipment as required therein to condition the building for personal comfort and safety. (Ord. 11-2, 4-11-2011)
      3.   Temporary Facilities:
         a.   Temporary facilities, as defined in section 6-1-3 of this chapter, shall be exempt from this chapter. (Ord. 11-2, 4-11-2011; amd. 2011 Code)
         b.   Recreational vehicles, such as motor homes and travel trailers, that are parked on property on their wheels, not set on a foundation, and licensed for over the road travel, whether connected to utilities or not, and whether under a structure or not, are temporary facilities for purposes of this chapter.
      4.   Farm Outbuildings:
         a.   Farm outbuildings on a “farm” as defined herein shall be exempt from this chapter, except as provided in subsection 6-1-8A of this chapter. Buildings for the purpose of human habitation, which are located on said farm are not exempt from this chapter. The following pertains specifically to farm outbuilding definitions and limitations:
            (1)   Designed and constructed to house farm implements, hay, grain, poultry, livestock or other horticultural products and includes sheds, barns, corrals or fences. This does not include storage building for personal items not used for production on the farm.
            (2)   Cannot be converted into structures for other uses without first obtaining a building permit that has gone through plan review for the new type of occupancy and has gone through the same review criteria.
            (3)   Must obtain a siting permit so as to assure setbacks are met and not being erected in violation of the floodplain overlay in Title 9 and/or Title 11. Must pay a fee in accordance with subsection 6-1-8A of this chapter.
         b.   “Farm” shall mean a tract of land in excess of five (5) acres wholly or in part classed in any of the land use categories 1 through 7 for appraisal and taxing purposes by the Valley County assessor.
      5.   Address Numbers: Requirements of section 319.1, 2009 international residential code, requiring address numbers be four inches (4") in height shall be deleted and local ordinance 2-90, requiring address numbers be three and one-half inches (31/2") in height shall be enforced 1 .
      6.   Tree Houses And Other Natural Structures: Tree houses, tree forts or treesheds for use by children that will not be slept in and are under thirty (30) sq. ft. shall be exempt from this code. No building permit will be issued for structures for human habitation or storage that incorporate natural vegetation such as trees, boulders, streams, straw, mud etc. This does not include masonry that is part of the engineered structure. (Ord. 11-2, 4-11-2011; amd. Ord. 21-06, 5-17-2021; Ord. 2022-01, 1-3-2022, eff. 1-13-2022)



1. See subsection 5-4-8C of this code.
As used in this chapter, the terms defined in this section shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates another meaning:
   BUILDING: A combination of materials, whether portable or fixed, which comprises a structure affording facilities or shelter for any use or occupancy, and shall include a part or parts thereof and all equipment therein normally a part of the structure.
   BUILDING OFFICIAL: The person so designated by the board of county commissioners.
   BUILDING SITE: Any lot, tract, parcel, or subdivision of land, either public or private, upon which a building is placed or is to be placed.
   CLOSED CONSTRUCTION: Any building component, assembly or system manufactured in such a manner that all concealed parts or processes of manufacture cannot be inspected before installation at the building site without disassembly, damage or destruction.
   COMMERCIAL COACH: A factory assembled structure equipped with the necessary service connections and made so as to be readily movable, and a unit on its own running gear and originally designed to be used either as a dwelling unit or other use without a permanent foundation.
   CONSTRUCTION: The erection, fabrication, reconstruction, demolition, alteration, conversion, repair of a building, or the installation of equipment therein normally a part of the structure.
   ENGINEERING DESIGN: As used in section R301.1.3 of the 2009 international residential code, shall mean plans bearing the seal of a state of Idaho licensed architect or engineer and/or calculations or specifications which verify compliance with the international codes.
   HUMAN HABITATION: A space in a structure for living, sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, storage or utility space and similar areas are not considered space for human habitation.
   LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Valley County.
   MANUFACTURED HOME: See definition in Idaho Code section 39-4105. Snow loads for manufactured homes are one hundred twenty (120) to one hundred fifty (150) pounds per square foot live load depending on location of placement. If snow loading is not met by manufacturer, a ramada (snow roof cover) may be placed over the manufactured home to meet snow load requirements. A letter is required for snow maintenance in RV or trailer parks before a manufactured home is placed. This letter shall be provided before issuance of the permit.
   MODULAR BUILDING: Any building or building component, other than a manufactured home, which is constructed according to standards contained in the international building code, as adopted, or any amendments thereto, which is of closed construction and is either entirely or substantially prefabricated or assembled at a place other than the building site.
   PERSON: A natural person, corporation, partnership, trust, society, club, association, or other organization.
   ROOF STRUCTURES: A system that includes the roof, soffits, eaves, fasciae, and vents.
   TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES: All wires, cables, equipment, apparatus or other installations necessary to furnish service, by which there is accomplished or may be accomplished, the sending or receiving of information, data, message writing signs, signals, pictures, and sounds of all kinds, by aid of such wires, cables, equipment, apparatus or other installations, but shall not include the habitable structure in which such telecommunications facilities are housed.
   TEMPORARY FACILITY: A structure designed and constructed to service actual construction projects and which is completely removed upon completion of the project. This structure shall not be a place of employment or human habitation, and does not include those temporary structures used for the protection of the public around and in conjunction with construction work.
   TINY HOUSE: A dwelling which is four hundred (400) or less square feet in floor area excluding lofts.
   TREE HOUSE, TREE FORT or TREESHED: A platform or building constructed around, next to or among the trunk or branches of one (1) or more mature trees while above ground. (Ord. 11-2, 4-11-2011; amd. 2011 Code; Ord. 13-3, 6-24-2013; Ord. 18-01, 12-4-2017, eff. 1-1-2018; Ord. 2022-01, 1-3-2022, eff. 1-13-2022)
   A.   Adoption: The approved editions of the following nationally recognized codes, and referenced statutes, as adopted by the State of Idaho and the Idaho Building Code Board, are hereby adopted:
      1.   International Building Code, 2015 edition, published by the International Code Council.
      2.   International Residential Code, parts I through IV and IX, including appendices G, J, and L, 2012; and, appendix Q - Tiny Houses, 2017 published by the International Code Council.
      3.   International Energy Conservation Code, 2015 with 2012 amendments for residential portion, a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council, Inc. (Ord. 18-01, 12-4-2017, eff. 1-1-2018)
      4.   Idaho Code title 44, chapter 22 and section 44-2501 et seq., relating to manufactured homes.
      5.   Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1997, published by the International Conference of Building Officials.
      6.   American Standard Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to, and Usable by, the Physically Handicapped, ANSI A117.1-1992 (R 1971), published by the American National Standards Institute.
      7.   University of Idaho publication "Ground and Roof Snow Loads for Idaho", 1986.
      8.   Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators and Moving Walks, ANSI A17.1-1996, and ANSI A17.1b-1973, published by the American National Standards Institute. (Ord. 11-2, 4-11-2011)
      9.   International Fire Code, 2015, published by the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc., adopted by the Idaho Fire Marshal. (Ord. 18-01, 12-4-2017, eff. 1-1-2018)
      10.   "Technical Guidance Manual for Individual and Subsurface Sewage Disposal", published by the State of Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, dated May 6, 1993, only as it relates to the construction of privy buildings.
      11.   Idaho Code title 54, chapter 52, relating to contractors registration.
   B.   Successive Versions Adopted: The adopted versions of the foregoing codes shall be deemed superseded by successive versions of such codes as they are adopted or approved by the Idaho Building Code Board and the State of Idaho, effective on the date any such codes are made effective by the Idaho Building Code Board and the State of Idaho. (Ord. 11-2, 4-11-2011)
Not less than one copy of each of the codes enumerated in section 6-1-4 of this chapter shall be available for use and examination by the public in the office of the building official. (Ord. 11-2, 4-11-2011)
Amendments to this chapter shall be in accordance with Idaho Code section 39-4116. (Ord. 11-2, 4-11-2011)
Whenever the word "City" is referred to and used in the adopted codes, it shall be deemed to read "County", and whenever "Mayor" or "City Council" may be referred to, the same shall be deemed to read "Board of County Commissioners". (Ord. 11-2, 4-11-2011)