6-3-1: Short Title
6-3-2: Purpose
6-3-3: Applicability
6-3-4: Performance Standards And Process
6-3-1:  SHORT TITLE:
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the VALLEY COUNTY LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS (LPG) SYSTEMS ORDINANCE. (Ord. 19-09, 9-30-2019)
6-3-2:  PURPOSE:
The general purpose is to protect and promote the public health, safety and welfare of the general public, by establishing regulations and a process for implementing best LPG practices. This chapter establishes standards in order to accomplish the following and shall apply to all new liquified petroleum gas (LPG) installations, residential and commercial systems, and to existing installations when LPG service is reconnected after service is interrupted.
   A.   Provide safe use of LPG products;
   B.   Protect against dangerous and improper installation of LPG systems;
   C.   Provide consistency in the construction industry;
   D.   Provide for construction in our local weather conditions;
   E.   Provide for a process that lessens the inattention of installers;
   F.   Provide for a process that protects against overlooking of safety precautions; and
   G.   To work with other jurisdictions within the county to meet the purposes of this chapter. (Ord. 19-09, 9-30-2019)