Whenever the word "City" is referred to and used in the adopted codes, it shall be deemed to read "County", and whenever "Mayor" or "City Council" may be referred to, the same shall be deemed to read "Board of County Commissioners". (Ord. 11-2, 4-11-2011)
The following amendments shall be made to the 2015 International Building Code, the 2012 International Residential Code, and/or all other documents adopted herein: (Ord. 18-01, 12-4-2017, eff. 1-1-2018)
A. Fees - the following fees shall be adopted by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners.
1. There will be a charge for inspections outside of normal business hours on a per hour basis (minimum charge, 2 hours).
2. Reinspection fees for multiple visits (same inspection) on a per hour basis.
3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated such as courtesy or other miscellaneous fees shall be the same as a reinspection fee.
4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to plan would be an additional charge on a per hour.
5. Use of outside consultants for plan checking and inspections, or both, will be assessed fees based on actual costs or a percentage of per fee along with administrative and overhead costs.
6. An application for a permit for construction of an agricultural structure shall be filed with a fixed fee per structure, but no structural review or inspection of construction will be required. Permits shall be approved by planning and zoning in accordance with section 9-1-10, “Definitions”, of this code.
7. An application for a permit for construction of an outbuilding and one-story detached accessory buildings used as a toolshed, storage building, or similar use that does not exceed six hundred (600) square feet in floor area, the rafter span is not wider than twenty feet (20'), and does not provide for human occupancy shall be filed with a fixed fee per structure, but no structural review or inspection of construction will be required. This includes any structure over three (3') feet in height; the 2018 IRC Section R105.2.1 will not apply.
8. An application for a permit to locate an existing building regulated by the international residential code, including manufactured homes, and commercial coaches, on a new site within this jurisdiction shall be filed with a set fee per structure, and with two (2) copies of a site plan and foundation plan. Inspection of construction will be required, and foundation footings and walls shall be inspected. An additional fee shall be charged for a permanent perimeter foundation. Structural plans are required for modular buildings.
9. A Plan Review Fee shall be charged based upon a percentage of the building permit fee. The fee will be waived for agricultural and general purpose utility structures listed in 6-1-8.A.7 (above), or as determined
B. Plans And Specifications:
1. Footings: Bottom of footing shall extend to at least a depth of twenty four inches (24") below finished grade. Bedrock may be less and poor soils may require a deeper footing depth.
2. Concrete Footings: Concrete footings shall have at least two (2) reinforcing bars of one-half inch (½") diameter placed at not more than four feet (4') on center properly anchored (tied) in the footing and at least two (2) reinforcing bars of one-half inch (½") diameter placed continuously longitudinally at the center of the wall thickness, one within two (2) to six inches (6") of the top of the wall and one within two (2) to six inches (6") of the bottom of the wall. The bars may be deformed to avoid utility lines and vents. Walls in excess of four feet (4') high shall be reinforced in accordance with provisions of the IRC and IBC.
C. Snow Loads and Seismic Calculations: Section 1607 of the international building code and international residential code shall be amended by adding the following as determined by the Building Official and Board of County Commissioners based upon the procedure provided in the 1986 University Of Idaho snow load study publication “Ground And Roof Snow Loads For Idaho”, and the Valley County snow load zone map:
The design snow load for Valley County shall be designated as one hundred twenty (120) to one hundred fifty (150) pounds per square foot depending on location of structure, including manufactured homes. For the Pistol Creek and Trails End areas, the designated snow load shall be sixty (60) pound per square foot live load.
Manufactured homes snow loads are addressed in the definition of “manufactured home” in section 6-1-3 of this chapter.
Seismic calculations shall be thirty five percent (35%) of the roof snow load.
Commercial, public use, assembly, and similar buildings or occupancies shall be designed for the “basic design snow load” and the plans shall bear the stamp of an Idaho licensed architect or engineer.
Single family dwellings, garages, utility, and similar buildings regulated by the IBC and IRC shall be designed for not less than the minimum normal design snow load.
Exceptions: The building official may require a different snow load in certain locations of Valley County known to experience heavier snowfalls.
D. Other General Permits with fees that will be set by the Board of County Commissioners:
1. Fence Permit Required: A building permit for fences over six (6') feet in height shall be required. Engineering may be required by the Valley County Building Official. The fence shall comply with setbacks in accordance with Title 9 of the Valley County Code. The 2018 IRC Section R105.2.2 will not apply.
2. Demolition Permits: A demolition permit is required to remove existing structures.
3. Woodstove Inserts: A Woodstove Insert permit is required.4) Solar Panels: Solar panels placed on existing structures must obtain a new building permit that will go through plan review and inspections. Ground-mounted solar panels must comply with Title 9 of the Valley County Code.
E. Privy Buildings: The building official may issue permits for privy buildings upon application when the proposed building and site meet the requirements of the Central District Health and Valley County Planning and Zoning Commission. Construction shall be in accordance with “privy policy”, prepared by Valley County and the “Technical Guidance Manual For Individual And Subsurface Sewage Disposal”, as adopted in subsection 6-1-4A10 of this chapter. The minimum permit fee will be set by resolution.
F. Building And Energy Code: Idaho amendments to the international building and energy codes, effective January 1, 2011; see appendix, section 6-1-18 of this chapter.
G. Materials For Roof Structures:
Class B or higher is required for all roofs requiring construction plan submittals. Exception: All wood shake shingles must be rated class A.
The entire roof covering of every existing structure where more than fifty percent (50%) of the total roof area is replaced within any one year period, the entire roof covering of every new structure, and any roof covering applied in the alteration, repair or replacement of the roof of every existing structure, shall be a fire retardant roof covering that is at least class B. Exception: Wood shake shingles must rate class A.
Eaves, soffits and fasciae should be protected by materials approved for a minimum of one hour fire resistance rated construction. Roof and attic vents should resist the intrusion of flame and embers into the attic.
H. Refunds: Refunds for building permits fees that have not been started may be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. (Ord. 11-2, 4-11-2011; amd. Ord. 13-3, 6-24-2013; Ord. 13-5, 9-16-2013; Ord. 21-06, 5-17-2021)
A. Permit Required: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, co-partnership, association or corporation to do, or cause, or allow to be done, after the effective date hereof, whether acting as principal, agent or employee, any construction, improvement, extension, alteration or demolition of any building, residence or structure, coming under the purview of this chapter, in Valley County, without first procuring a permit authorizing such work to be done. A violation fee may be required by the Building Official as set by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners.
B. Evidence Of Approved Sewer System: Prior to issuance of a building permit for a building proposed to be used for human habitation, the building official shall require evidence of approval of the sanitary sewer system by the Central District Health or sewer district.
C. Compliance With Zoning And Site Development Regulations: No building permit shall be issued or authorized unless the work or project is in compliance with zoning and/or site development ordinances of the county, provided such zoning and/or site development is not in conflict with the codes herein enumerated. A building permit will be required for placement of any structure over three (3') feet in height.
D. Energizing Electrical And Other Utility Services; Gas Check:
1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to connect or energize any electrical installation or any other utility service to any building or structure coming under the provisions of this chapter unless the necessary permit covering such installation has been issued.
2. The building official will not approve a final inspection or issue a certificate of occupancy for any building containing a liquefied petroleum gas fixture or appliance without first receiving evidence that a gas check has been completed and approved by a qualified inspector. The gas check will include observation of a pressure test and an inspection of all gas piping, valves, controls, and appurtenances required by applicable codes for a safe, complete and workable installation. Qualified inspectors are those who are licensed plumbers with the state of Idaho or are certified installers by a certification program recognized in the industry and by the building official.
3. The gas check certification is the sole responsibility of the property owner or his agent including providing evidence of the approval to the building official.
E. Approach Permit:
1. An approach permit shall be required from the road department prior to the issuance of building permits for any structures on lots that have not previously had buildings constructed and require access onto a public right of way.
2. Driveways should not exceed eight percent (8%) grade and have a minimum of a fifty foot (50') plus/minus four percent (±4%) runout. If this is not achievable on lots platted prior to August 28, 2013, then the road superintendent will work with the applicant on a safe approach. If a safe approach cannot be constructed, the applicant may need to obtain an easement to a public or private road across other property. On lots platted after August 28, 2013, the developer shall assure that all lots can achieve this standard or apply for a variance as part of the conditional use permit/preliminary platting process.
F. Expiration, Suspension Or Revocation Of Permit:
1. Each permit issued under this chapter shall expire if the work or building authorized by the permit is not commenced within one hundred eighty (180) days from the permit date, or if the work or building authorized by the permit once commenced is thereafter suspended or abandoned for a period of three hundred sixty five (365) days. Suspended or abandoned work, for which the original permit has expired, shall be recommenced only after the issuance of a new permit therefor.
2. A building permit, issued by mistake, issued on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or issued in violation of any statute, regulation, or provision of this code may be suspended or revoked by written notice to the permittee.
3. The building official is authorized to grant, in writing, one extension of time for one year. After that one year extension another extension can only be granted by the Board of County Commissioners. The extensions shall be requested in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated.
G. FAA Form 7460-1 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration Within Vicinity of Airports:
1. All building permits within approximately three (3) miles of the Cascade, Donnelly, and McCall airport runways will complete the Notice Criteria Tool - Federal Aviation Administration.
2. If the Notice Criteria Tool identifies that an FAA Form 7460-1 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration is not required, print the form and submit the copy with the building permit.
3. If the Notice Criteria Tool identifies that an FAA Form 7460-1 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration is required, you must file with the FAA. However, any structure that will be shielded by existing structures of a permanent and substantial nature or by natural terrain or topographic features of equal or greater height, or will be located in the congested area of a city, town, or settlement where the shielded structure will not adversely affect safety in air navigation need not apply, as determined by the Valley County Building Official or their designee.
4. Valley County Building Department can assist with determinations and contact information. Valley County has developed a tool to determine latitude, longitude, and elevation, which can be found on the Valley County Website, and is named FAA Criteria Data Finder in the Building Department section.
H. Shipping Containers are allowed with a placement permit and must meet setbacks. However, they shall be painted or have siding that is a color that blends with the natural terrain or other structures on the property. The structure shall be ready for inspection within two months of placement. Shipping Containers are also referred to as a CONEX box and defined as a large, reusable steel box designed to protect goods. There shall be no commercial advertising or signage on the side of a container.
(Ord. 13-5, 9-16-2013; amd. Ord. 21-06, 5-17-2021; Ord. 2023-01, 7-10-2023)
The Valley County Board of Commissioners shall establish a building department and employ a building official and such persons to administrate and implement the application and inspection functions required by the international building code, and the international residential code, along with local and state agencies. The building department shall collect the building permit fee and issue the building permits after approval of the complete application by the building official. (Ord. 11-2, 4-11-2011; amd. Ord. 21-06, 5-17-2021)