   A.   Proposed Road Names To Be Shown On Plats: Proposed subdivision road names shall be shown on all final subdivision plats when submitted to the county Planning and Zoning Commission for review. No final plat shall be approved until the road names have been reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Administrator after being checked for possible duplications against the official road name list. It is recommended road names be submitted with the preliminary subdivision plat.
   B.   Half Roads: All half roads or partial roads shall be named in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   C.   Compliance Required Prior To Plat Approval: No plat shall be approved by the board for recording until all provisions of this chapter have been met. Approval of a final plat by the Planning and Zoning Administrator for filing with the county recorder's office shall constitute acceptance of all road names shown thereon.
   D.   Installation Of Road Name Signs: It shall be the responsibility of any subdivider dedicating a new road to the board to finance the cost of installing said road name signs at each and every designated location. Road name signs shall conform to the county's sign specification requirements. The cost of the signs shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Administrator prior to approval by the Board and the fee shall be set by resolution. (Ord. 90-2, 7-23-1990; amd. 2011 Code; amd. Ord. 20-01, 11-25-2019)
   A.   Application: Where necessary or desirable, any person may make application to the Planning and Zoning Administrator to change a road name, or the Planning and Zoning Administrator may do so for reasons of duplication, similar pronunciation or spelling or for other reasons relating to public safety or convenience. The Board shall not change signs without compensation or agreement from the applicant.
   B.   Changes Necessitated Due To Duplication: In the case of road name changes necessitated due to duplication, similar pronunciation or spelling, the Planning and Zoning Administrator shall determine the road name to be changed and select the new name to be used. The Planning and Zoning Administrator shall take into consideration the number of existing addresses on the roads in question, the length of time each road has used the name in question, the date of the original dedication of said road(s), each road's compliance with this chapter and any other factor pertinent to resolving the similar pronunciation or spelling. No road name(s) may be changed until the proposed names have been checked against the official road name map and list.
   C.   Public Hearings: The board shall hold public hearings on this matter. All property owners and residents having frontage on the affected road shall be notified by mail under the following procedures:
      1.   The applicant shall submit a list of addresses of all dwellings located on the affected road to the planning and zoning administrator or their designee along with a fee as adopted by resolution.
      2.   The Planning and Zoning Administrator or their designee shall compare the submitted list to the land ownership records and mail notification to all affected residents and property owners.
      3.   The Planning and Zoning Administrator shall mail notification to political subdivisions, other interested parties, and publish in the newspaper a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing.
      4.   The Planning and Zoning Administrator shall also place a sign on the road at least one week prior to the hearing if it is reasonable to do so.
      5.   The board shall hold a public hearing on the road name change thirty (30) to forty five (45) days after the receipt and acceptance of the road name change application.
      6.   Failure of the planning and zoning administrator or his designee to mail said notice to all residents and property owners in no way shall affect the validity of such procedures; provided, that such failure shall have occurred in good faith.
   D.   Manner Of Making Changes: All changes shall be made in such a manner as to create the least possible inconvenience to residents and property owners in the area.
      1.   No change shall become effective for at least fifteen (15) days after official action by the board.
      2.   No change shall become effective until the road sign is changed or installed.
      3.   All residents and property owners shall be mailed notification of the board's final decision within seven (7) days of said action. Notice shall state that the name change is not official until the sign is placed.
      4.   The Planning and Zoning Administrator shall make the change in the Official Road Name List and on the Official Road Name Map when the change is effective.
   E.   Location Of Signs: All road name signs shall be located in such a manner as to be clearly visible to persons operating vehicles on the road. The minimum letter size shall be four inches (4") in height and placed on a six inch (6") x variable length blank. Existing names exceeding the ten (10) letter length restriction shall use four inch (4") lettering, if deemed necessary by the board. All signs shall be reflectorized or illuminated in addition to having contrasting colors. All dedicated road signs shall be green, all private road signs shall be blue, all lettering shall be white. All road name signs shall have the names lettered on both sides and shall be positioned so that the name is visible from both directions of the road. (Ord. 90-2, 7-23-1990; amd. 2011 Code; amd. Ord. 20-01, 11-25-2019)
   A.   Conformance To Grid System Required; Standards For Developing Road Grid System: All road address numbers shall conform to the grid system shown on the official rural addressing system map kept on file at the office of the Planning and Zoning Administrator or their designee. The general standards to be used in developing a road address grid system are as follows:
      1.   Grid System Established: Sixteen (16) grid blocks shall be assigned to each section and approximately three hundred thirty feet (330') between grid lines shall be standard when establishing the grid system.
      2.   Standard Of Numbers Per Grid: A standard of approximately one hundred (100) numbers per grid is hereby established.
      3.   Grid Systems Extended: The grid systems for Donnelly and Cascade shall be extended to appropriate limits in order to eliminate duplication or confusion of numbers on roads that extend into the county from the cities. The grid system established for McCall shall be extended to the area of city impact boundary or further if needed to avoid duplication or confusion.
      4.   Milepost System:
         a.   The milepost system shall be used for the remainder of the county. Individuals whose residence or business is adjacent to State Highway 55 will be numbered from the milepost marker established by the state to the nearest hundredth mile.
         b.   Point of reference for public roads and private roads will be the beginning point of the road. The address for individuals located on these roads will be to the nearest hundredth mile.
         c.   When individual lots in subdivisions are too small to address on the mile marker system in hundredths of a mile, a smaller base unit may be used in order to provide continuity in numbering the neighborhood.
   B.   Assignment Of Address Numbers:
      1.   Assigned By Planning And Zoning Administrator: All address numbers located within the unincorporated and city impact areas of the county shall be assigned by the Planning and Zoning Administrator or their designee. No other person or organization, public or private, shall assign any address number to any residence, business, industry or other use. (Addresses located inside the city limits of Cascade, Donnelly, and McCall shall be issued by the appropriate city designee.)
      2.   Guide In Assigning Numbers: The following shall be used as a guide in assigning such address numbers by the planning and zoning administrator or his designee:
         a.   Only one number shall be assigned to each business, dwelling unit or other use.
         b.   Numbers shall be assigned to vacant lots within platted subdivisions and shall be assigned in such a manner that adequate numbers are reserved for possible future development or resubdivisions of such land.
      c.   All addresses shall be assigned on the road upon which the driveway enters. When vehicular access is used from a point other than the road frontage, the number shall be placed so as to be visible from the fronting side of the building. Typically, the entrance to the property determines frontage.
      d.   All addresses located on the north and east sides of roads shall be even numbers. All addresses on the south and west sides of roads shall be odd numbers. These requirements may be varied in the case of meandering roads. When a road has been determined to be running in predominately one direction, the number shall not be changed if there is slight change in the road direction.
   C.   Placement On New And Existing Buildings: Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background, be visible in the daytime and nighttime from the road, and be at least three and one-half inches (31/2") in height or as approved by the Planning and Zoning Administrator. Where the building is not visible from the road, an additional address number shall be placed in a location near the driveway that is plainly visible and legible from the road.
   D.   County One Unincorporated District: The county shall consist of one unincorporated district with preference to existing roads, etc., for the areas surrounding three (3) cities, i.e., Cascade, Donnelly, and McCall.
      1.   The unincorporated area shall have an initial point where all addresses begin. That point shall be zero.
      2.   Each initial point will be the point where north, south, east and west designations are established for that addressing system.
   E.   Existing Nonconforming Numbers: Existing address numbers (in 1990) not in conformance with the official rural addressing map may be changed by the board, giving official written notice at least ninety (90) days in advance of the effective date of such change to property owners and those local agencies affected by such changes. If the Planning and Zoning Administrator determines an address number is not in conformance the address may be changed by notifying the property owner, utilities, assessor's office, and other interested parties. An effective date shall be part of the notification. (Ord. 90-2, 7-23-1990; amd. 2011 Code; amd. Ord. 20-01, 11-25-2019; Ord. 21-08, 6-28-2021)
   A.   Variances: The standards and requirements of these regulations may be modified or varied by the board where the enforcement of the rules will result in extraordinary individual hardship provided the public interest is served. The applicant must specifically state the extraordinary hardship caused by the regulations and prove said variance will not cause an adverse effect to the health, safety and welfare of the community. In granting any such variance or modification, the board may impose any conditions necessary in order to secure substantial compliance with the general principles of this chapter.
   B.   Appeals:
      1. Right To Appeal: Appeals may be filed by any person(s), firm or corporation from a decision of the Planning and Zoning Administrator or their designee to the board within fifteen (15) days after a decision has been made.
      2. Notice Of Appeal: The notice of appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed in triplicate. One copy of the appeal shall be filed with the board, one copy with the county clerk and one copy with the Planning and Zoning Administrator.
      3. Specification Of Interpretative Errors Required: All appeals shall specifically state where the Planning and Zoning Administrator or their designee has erred in the interpretation of the regulations. Failure to specify interpretative errors may be grounds for dismissal of the appeal by the board.
      4. Failure To Comply With Requirements Of Appeal: The failure of the person(s) appealing to comply with the requirements for appeal shall be grounds for dismissal of the appeal. (Ord. 90-2, 7-23-1990; amd. 2011 Code; amd. Ord. 20-01, 11-25-2019)
5-4-10: FEES:
   A.   Fees Enumerated: Fees shall be required by the applicant or appellant and are established by section 1-4-5 of this code.
   B.   Approved Appeal, Fee Refunded: In such cases where appeals are approved, the appeal fee will be refunded. (Ord. 90-2, 7-23-1990; amd. Ord. 13-2, 6-24-2013; amd. Ord. 20-01, 11-25-2019)