3-1-1: Definitions
3-1-2: License Required; Fees; Term
3-1-3: Businesses Exempt
3-1-4: Duties Of The Clerk-Treasurer
3-1-5: Failure To Renew; Late Charge
3-1-6: Separate License For Multiple Businesses, Branch Establishments
3-1-7: Change Of Location
3-1-8: Posting Required
3-1-9: Unlawful Businesses
3-1-10: Refusal To Issue; License Revocation
3-1-11: Violation; Penalty
BUSINESS: Any and all industries, pursuits, commercial enterprises, occupations, professions and avocations, except those carried on in a temporary manner by religious, charitable, fraternal, educational or like nonprofit organization solely as projects for fund raising.
BUSINESS IN ZONE A OR B: A residence that is used to conduct business where customers/clients do not visit the residence. The business owner goes to the customer/client to conduct business.
BUSINESS IN ZONE C OR D: A business where the customer/client visits the business location as defined in the Valier Zoning Regulation.
COUNCIL: The Town Council of Valier, Montana.
EMPLOYEE: All owners, proprietors, partners, managers, salesman or employees engaged in or associated directly with the management and conduct of the business concerned.
NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION: Any association, firm or corporation organized for religious, charitable, educational, civic, scientific or literary purposes which does not contemplate the distribution of pecuniary gains, profits or dividends to its members.
PERSON: Any individual, firm, association, partnership or corporation.
TOWN: The Town of Valier, County of Pondera, State of Montana, a Municipal corporation.
YEAR: A fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 30 of the following calendar year. (Ord. 183, 11-13-2017, eff. 12-13-2017)
   A.   License Required:
      1.   For the protection and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Town, it is hereby declared that every business conducted within the Town shall not engage in business in the Town without first obtaining a business license as hereinafter provided.
      2.   All new business license applications will be reviewed for approval by the Town Council at the next scheduled Town meeting after application is completed and paid. The Town Council will vote to approve any new business license to be issued by simple majority.
      3.   Annually, during the April Town meeting, the Town Council will review a list of all business license renewals and either approve or decline the reissue of any business license by a vote of simple majority. The Town Council may decide to decline any business license, whether a new application or a renewal for any reason. If any business or businesses is/are to be declined, a vote will be made for the approved list and another vote to decline the businesses the Council selects for the decline list. Each list will be voted separately.
   B.   Schedule Of Fees:
      1.   For all businesses except those listed below, the annual business license fee shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00).
      2.   For transient/itinerant retail merchants, the license fee shall be forty dollars ($40.00).
      3.   For home businesses, the license fee shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00).
      4.   There shall be no proration of license fees.
   C.   License Renewal: All business licenses herein shall expire on June 30 of the fiscal year in which the license is issued.
   D.   Manner Of Payment: All license fees herein provided for are payable in advance to the Town Clerk-Treasurer.
   E.   Term: In no case shall the license be granted for longer than one fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). (Ord. 183, 11-13-2017, eff. 12-13-2017)