Before holding the public hearing required in Section 1105.36, notice of the hearing shall be given in one newspaper of general circulation in the City at least ten days before the date of the hearing. The notice shall set forth the time and place of the public hearing and the nature of the proposed appeal or variance.
Before holding the public hearing required in Section 1105.36, written notice of the hearing shall be mailed by the chairman of the Building and Zoning Appeals Board, by first class mail, at least ten days before the day of the hearing to all parties in interest including all contiguous and adjoining properties. The notice shall contain the same information as required of notices published in newspapers as specified in Section 1105.37.
Within thirty days after the public hearing required in Section 1105.36, the Building and Zoning Appeals Board shall either approve, approve with supplementary conditions as specified in Section 1105.35 or disapprove the request for appeal or variance. The Board shall further make a finding that the reasons set forth in the application justify the granting of the variance that will make possible a reasonable use of the land, building or structure. Appeals from Board decisions shall be made in the manner specified in Section 1105.08.