Solid Waste
50.01 Title
50.02 Definitions
50.03 Storage of municipal waste
50.04 Authorization of collectors
50.05 Transportation of solid waste
50.06 Disposal of municipal waste
50.07 Exclusions
50.08 Effect of additional regulations
50.09 Preparation and implementation of a county solid waste management plan
Waste Reduction and Recycling
50.20 Short title
50.21 Authority
50.22 Purpose and goals
50.23 Definitions
50.24 Powers, duties and responsibilities of the township
50.25 Township recycling program
50.26 Drop-off center
50.27 Annual report
Yard Waste
50.40 Yard waste rules and regulations
50.99 Penalty
Wastewater, see Chapter 55
Zoning, see Chapter 155