Title, Severability, Enactment
   155.001   Title
   155.002   Short title
   155.003   Severability
   155.004   Procedural defects in enactment
   155.005   Repealer
   155.006   Enactment
   155.020   Applicability of this chapter
   155.021   Purposes and community development objectives
   155.022   Permits and certificates
   155.023   General procedure for permits
   155.024   Interpretation and uses not regulated
   155.025   Fees
   155.026   Amendments to this chapter
   155.027   Curative amendments
   155.028   Zoning Officer
   155.029   Zoning Hearing Board actions and variances
   155.030   Zoning Hearing Board hearings and decisions
   155.031   Appeals to court
   155.032   Limited public utility exemptions
   155.033   Township and municipal authority exemption
   155.034   Special exception use process
   155.035   Liability
   155.050   General interpretation
   155.051   Terms defined
Districts, Permitted Uses And Yard Requirements
   155.065   Establishment of zoning districts and purposes
   155.066   Application of district regulations
   155.067   Zoning map and rules for interpreting district boundaries
   155.068   Table of allowed uses in each zoning district
   155.069   Dimensional requirements in each district
   155.070   Additional requirements within the AC agricultural conservation district
   155.071   Age restricted residential development
   155.072   Historic buildings
   155.073   Additional requirements for certain permitted by right uses
   155.074   Special exception uses
   155.075   Accessory uses
   155.076   Conservation/open space development option
   155.077   Coordinated zoning along municipal borders development option
General Regulations
   155.090   Frontage onto improved streets; number of uses or buildings; minimum size of dwellings
   155.091   Height exceptions
   155.092   Special lot and yard requirements, sight distance and buffer yards
   155.093   Landscaping
   155.094   Future right-of-way widths for roads
   155.095   Frontage development along arterial and collector streets
   155.096   Nonconformities
   155.097   Site design guidelines
   155.098   Dumpster screening and location
   155.099   Two dwellings on a lot
Environmentally Sensitive Areas
   155.110   Environmental preservation required
   155.111   Nuisances prohibited
   155.112   Steep slopes
   155.113   Areas with hydric soils and high water table soils
   155.114   Development along streams and wetlands
   155.115   Alluvial soils areas
   155.116   Floodplain regulations
   155.117   Filling, excavation and grading
   155.118   Outdoor storage control
   155.119   Sewage waste treatment and disposal control
   155.120   Noise control
   155.121   Vibration control
   155.122   Dust and odor control
   155.123   Control of light and glare
   155.124   Tree conservation
   155.135   Purposes and applicability
   155.136   Sign definitions
   155.137   Miscellaneous signs not requiring permits
   155.138   Freestanding, wall and window signs (on-premises signs)
   155.139   Prohibited signs
   155.140   Off-premises signs (including billboards)
   155.141   General design, location and construction of signs
   155.142   Vehicles functioning as signs
   155.143   Abandoned or outdated signs
   155.144   Measurement of signs
   155.145   Illumination of signs
   155.146   Major residential development signs
Off-Street Parking And Loading
   155.160   Required number of off-street parking spaces
   155.161   General regulations for off-street parking
   155.162   Design standards for off-street parking
   155.163   Off-street loading
   155.164   Fire lanes and access
   155.999   Penalty
   Appendix A:   Functional classification of roads
   Appendix B:   Zoning Map