General Provisions
71.01 Weight limits
71.02 Driving to be on right
71.10 Stop intersections
71.11 Multi-stop intersections
71.12 Yield intersections
71.13 Signalized intersections
71.14 Turn intersections
71.15 Entering obstructed intersection or crosswalk
One-Way Streets
71.25 One-way streets designated
71.26 Authority of emergency vehicles to disregard
Speed Regulations
71.35 State law applicable
71.36 Establishment of municipal speed limits on certain streets
71.37 School zones
71.45 Driving through processions
71.46 Drivers in procession
71.47 Processions to be identified
Prohibited Acts
71.51 U-turns
71.52 Alleys and private driveways
71.53 Backing of vehicles
71.54 Prohibited uses
71.55 Disorderly conduct using a motor vehicle
71.56 Riding in front seats
71.57 Quiet zones
71.58 Unlicensed vehicles
71.59 Engine braking prohibited