Planned Unit Development
1125.01     General provisions.
1125.02     Required plans and action by the Planning Commission.
1125.03     Acceptance by action of Council.
1125.04     Planned unit development requirements.
   (a)   The Municipal officials concerned with property development shall take into account that it is increasingly difficult to forecast the various conditions and factors that may be encountered in sizable developments, and that certain latitude, flexibility, and freedom in the execution of the design and layout of a project shall be suggested or otherwise permitted by the Municipality so as to encourage the developer to adjust the streets to irregular topography; to take advantage of topography in order to utilize the natural surface drainage; to economize in the construction of sewers and storm drainage facilities; to reduce the amount of grading and thus minimize destruction of trees and topsoil; to adjust the layout to geographical and cultural limitations such as property ownership lines; and, among other things, to create architectural variation in the development as well as attractive and usable buildings and building sites; and further, such developments shall be designed so as to enhance the community or neighborhood in general by providing amenities which are unique to the area.
   (b)   Planned unit developments may be residential, commercial or industrial developments, or they may be combinations of uses, such as residential and commercial, or commercial and industrial. The minimum site area for a residential development shall be ten acres; for a mobile home park, five acres; for a commercial development, five acres; and for an industrial development, fifteen acres. If a combination of uses is proposed, a residential-commercial development shall have a minimum of twenty acres and a commercial-industrial development shall have a minimum of twenty acres. In combination developments, the amount of land devoted to commercial usage shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total land area of the development.
   (c)   Plans for a planned unit development shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for study and approval, in accordance with the procedures prescribed in Chapter 1109 of these Subdivision Regulations.
(Ord. 1389. Passed 1-10-80.)
   (a)   In order for the Commission to better determine that the planned unit development meets all requirements, the developer shall furnish a preliminary plan of the entire tract showing topography, roads, lot lines, lot areas, easements, encumbrances, and other relevant data. The plans shall include the location of existing structures, areas of shrubs and trees of a ten-inch diameter or more, existing contours and the proposed grading plan.
   (b)   Upon determination by the Commission that the proposed planned unit development project as shown by the preliminary plan conforms to the requirements of all applicable provisions of these Regulations, the proponent shall prepare and submit a final development plan, and such plan shall incorporate any changes or modifications required by the Commission.
   (c)   Upon approval by the Commission, the plans shall be submitted to Council for consideration and action. The approval and recommendations of the Commission shall be based on the following general conditions:
      (1)   The plan is consistent with the intent and purpose of these Regulations to promote public health, safety, morals and general welfare.
      (2)   The use of the land shall be similar to the uses permitted in the district in which the plan is located.
         (Ord. 1389. Passed 1-10-80.)
   (a)   Following its review of the plans for the planned unit development, Council may suggest modifictions in the plan consistent with the intent and meaning of these Regulations prior to approval.
   (b)   After the final development plan has been approved by Council and in carrying out this plan, adjustment or rearragements of buildings, parking areas, entrances, heights or yards may be requested by the proponents, and provided such requests conform to the standards established by the final development plan and these Regulations, such adjustment or arrangements may be authorized by the Commission.
(Ord. 1389. Passed 1-10-80.)