Required Improvements
1117.01    General improvements.
1117.02    Materials and construction procedure.
1117.03     Monuments.
1117.04     Utility and street improvements.
Lot numbering and revision - see Ohio R.C. 711.02, 711.06, 711.28 et seq.
Cornerstones and permanent markers - see Ohio R.C. 711.03, 711.14
   (a)   These minimum improvements shall be required in all areas except where special provisions are made for hillside areas in excess of fifteen percent (15%) of slope. Any exceptions to the provisions in this section which are made for hillside development are specified in Chapter 1121.
   (b)   Prior to the granting of final approval, the subdivider shall have installed or shall have furnished a performance bond for the amount of the estimated construction cost of the ultimate installation of improvements listed and described herein. The performance bond or cash deposit submitted to the appropriate officer will assure the Municipality that the subdivider, his heirs, successors and assigns, their agent or servants will comply with all applicable terms, conditions, provisions and requirements of these regulations; will faithfully perform and complete the work of constructing and installing such facilities or improvements in accordance with such laws and Regulations. Before such bond is accepted, it shall be approved by the proper administrative officials. The term of this bond shall extend twelve months beyond the completion date of the project.
   (c)   The subdivider or developer shall submit a set of construction plans for the improvement of the road, street or alley, and utility plans, prepared by a registered professional engineer. The construction plans shall include title of the plan, typical sections, plan and profile view, miscellaneous engineering details and an estimate of quantities. Cross sections will be submitted upon request by the Municipal Engineer. All typical sections and major engineering details to be used on any particular road, street, or alley shall be approved in advance by the Municipal Engineer or his representative before completion of the plans. When the subdivider or developer submits for approval a construction plan for street improvements for a part of a proposed subdivision area, preliminary street grades, proposed drainage facilities and proposed utility extensions for the entire subdivision area shall also be presented.
   (d)   When deemed desirable, the Municipal Engineer or his representative may require the construction or vacation of part or all of any intersecting roads, streets, or alleys in order to assure that no hardship or added expense shall be endured by abutting property owners, the Township, or the Municipality at some future date.
   (e)   All of the required improvements shall be made in full compliance with the specificatiions for each of the various units of work as required by the Municipal Engineer, the Utility Department or the County or Municipal Board of Health, according to the nature of the improvements. Upon final approval of the construction plans, a copy on permanent reproducible material and five sets of all construction and utility plans shall be submitted to the Municipality. (Ord. 1389. Passed 1-10-80.)
   (a)   Unless otherwise indicated on the plans, with advance approval of the Municipal Engineer or his representative, materials shall meet the requirements and shall be in accordance with the "Material Details" of the current volume of the "Construction and Material Specifications", State Department of Transportation. The material will be referred to by material grade or section number of the same current volume.
   (b)   The specifications of the Municipality shall in all respects govern all construction work. The work shall be done under Municipal supervision and inspection. It shall be completed within the time fixed or agreed upon by the Municipal Engineer.
   (c)   It shall be the responsibility of the Municipal Engineer to inform the person making same, to the effect that, whenever the required improvements are properly made or otherwise secured as hereinafter mentioned, such Engineer will pass upon and recommend to the Planning Commission that such plat, if otherwise conforming to these platting rules and regulations, be approved.
(Ord. 1389. Passed 1-10-80.)