Sec. 10-389.   Drive-Through Stacking Requirements
   a.   Purpose
      These regulations are intended to ensure that an adequate amount of space is allocated for on-site maneuvering and circulation, that vehicles in a queue for service do not impede traffic on abutting streets, and that stacking lanes will not have nuisance impacts on nearby residential uses.
   b.   Applicability
      1.   The regulations of this section apply to all uses that include drive-through facilities and to all portions of a development that comprise the drive-through facility.
      2.   The regulations apply to new developments, the addition of drive-through facilities to existing developments, and the relocation of existing drive-through facilities.
      3.   Any use in any district that has drive-through lanes and windows must provide sufficient space on site for vehicles to queue while customers is being served, placing an order, or waiting to place an order or to receive service.
   c.   Parts of a Drive-Through Facility
      A drive-through facility is composed of two parts:
      1.   The stacking lanes, the space occupied by vehicles queuing for the service to be provided; and
      2.   The service area, where the first point of service occurs. The following activities are considered points of service: menu boards, service windows, gas pumps, air compressors, vacuum cleaner stations.
   d.   Setbacks and Landscaping
      1.   Service points and stacking lanes on lots abutting RE, R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-1D, R-2, PUR, and PXR-zoning districts must be set back at least 80 feet and landscaped in accordance with the “B” buffer yard standards of Sec. 10-322. (Ord. No. 0-2014-97; 10/22/14)
      2.   Service points and stacking lanes on lots abutting office and mixed-use zoning districts must be set back at least 30 feet and landscaped in accordance with the “B” buffer yard standards of Sec. 10-322.
      3.   If the service points and stacking lanes are within 50 feet of and visible from the roadway, they must be set back at least 20 feet from the right-of-way and landscaped in accordance with the bufferyard planting standards of Article VI, Division B.
   e.   Exceptions
      A stacking lane is not required for accessory facilities where vehicles do not routinely stack up while waiting for the service. Examples are window washing, air compressor, and vacuum cleaning stations.
   f.   Site Plan Required
      The development site plan must show the location and dimensions of the following:
      1.   Driveways;
      2.   Stacking lane, including lane markings;
      3.   Drive aisle between stacking land and on-site parking areas;
      4.   Service points (including menu boards and service windows);
      5.   Associated facilities (including communications systems and access aisles);
      6.   Adjacent residential uses.
   g.   Stacking Lane Design and Layout
      1.   Stacking lanes must be designed so that they do not interfere with on-site parking and vehicle circulation.
      2.   Stacking spaces must be nine feet wide by 20 feet long.
      3.   All stacking lanes must be clearly identified, through such means as striping, landscaping, pavement design, and signs.
      4.   Stacking starts at first stopping point.
      5.   Layout must provide for a minimum nine feet wide escape lane allowing motorists to exit the stacking lane before reaching the drive-thru window. (Ord. No. 0-2010-119; 11/10/10)
                     Example Layouts
      6.   Stacking spaces necessary for the provisions of drive-through lanes shall be determined using the following table:
Table 10-389 Required Stacking Spaces
Type of Facility
Inbound Vehicles
Outbound Vehicles
Type of Facility
Inbound Vehicles
Outbound Vehicles
Drive-in bank
2 spaces per service position
1 space per service position
Drive-in beverage, food sales / pharmacies
4 spaces per service position
1 space per service position
Laundry / Cleaners
3 spaces per service position
1 space per service position
Attendant car wash
10 spaces per service to wash line
6 spaces between end of wash stall and other circulation lane
Automatic car wash
3 spaces per service position
1 spaces per service position
Automatic car wash as an accessory use
2 spaces per service position
1 spaces per service position
Service station
4 spaces per aisle
1 space per aisle
Gatehouse (residential)
<50 lots = one space per ten lots; > 50 lots = five spaces
1 space
(Ord. No. 0-2010-119, 11/11/10) (Ord. No. 0-2016-76; 08/24/16)
   h.   Noise
      Speakers associated with drive-through facilities may not be audible from abutting residential zones or any abutting lots occupied by residential uses. Sound attenuation walls, landscaping or other buffering measures may be required to ensure that the facility will not have adverse noise-related impacts on nearby residential uses.
   i.   Interpretation and Appeal
      If questions of interpretation or the application of the requirements of this division to a particular land use or occupancy of a structure arise, the planning director in coordination with the development services engineer must, based on findings of fact, make a determination of the off-street parking, loading, or access requirements. A property owner if not satisfied with the director's determination, may appeal such determination to the zoning board of adjustment under the variance procedure.