Sec. 10-364.   Commercial Vehicle Parking in Residential Areas
   a.   All Residential Districts
      1.   Commercial vehicles larger than 22 feet in length, 7.5 feet in height, and weighing more than 4 tons (8,000 lbs.) may be not parked overnight in any residential district on public streets, private driveway, or other improved surface. (Ord. No. 0-2017-69; 8/23/17)
      2.   The following exceptions apply to the parking of commercial vehicles that exceed the maximum permissible size described in subsection a:
         (a)   Vehicles temporarily parked on or in front of a residential lot while loading, unloading, or rendering a service.
         (b)   If the principal use of the lot is other than residential (such as a church or office) and the vehicle is directly related to that use.
         (c)   Vehicles that are temporarily parked, weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., off the street and on premises owned or occupied by the driver of the vehicle.
         (d)   Properly licensed and plated vehicles designed or used for accommodating the needs of disabled occupants of the site, which exceed the height limitations.
         (e)   Trailers otherwise restricted by this section may be parked or stored on a site when housed within a garage.
   b.   Mixed-use Districts
      1.   Light- and medium-weight commercial vehicles are permitted without screening in the Planned Mixed Use District 1 (PMXD-1) and Planned Mixed Use District 2 (PMXD-2) where residential and nonresidential uses are vertically integrated in the same building.
      2.   In mixed-use districts where the residential uses are separated from the nonresidential uses, light- and medium-weight commercial vehicles are only be permitted in accordance with the standards of subsection a above.
      3.   This section should not be construed as to prevent the temporary parking of emergency vehicles, delivery trucks, moving vans, and similar vehicles used for delivery of goods and services nor the parking of commercial vehicles at an active job site or staging area.