72.01 General parking regulations
72.02 Stopping, standing, or parking in certain places prohibited
72.03 Stopping, standing, or parking outside business or residence district
72.04 Officers authorized to remove vehicles
72.05 Unattended motor vehicles
72.06 Persons with disabilities exempt from certain parking regulations
72.07 Duty of lessor of vehicle on notice of violation of this chapter
72.08 Ervin Park
72.09 Parking in alleys
72.10 Parking on private property
72.11 Vehicles prohibited from parking on public roadways
72.12 Community building and senior center parking
72.13 Parking vehicles for sale; peddling from vehicles
72.14 Parking in cab or bus stands
72.15 Standing or parking vehicles for hire
72.16 Towing and storage of illegally parked vehicles
Parking for the Physically Handicapped
72.20 Handicapped access
72.21 Location and installation of signs
72.22 Accessibility standards
72.99 Penalty