Applications for review of projects affected by this technical standard shall be submitted to the
Section at PDSD. Review staff will evaluate submitted information for completeness and shall accept or reject the application within five days of the date of submittal. The applicant will be notified if the application is found to be incomplete.
Plans are reviewed for compliance with this standard in accordance with Section 3.3.3, PDSD Director
Development which encroaches within the protected riparian areas, except for development limited to revegetation or restoration in accordance with an approved Floodplain Restoration Plan, shall be reviewed by the Advisory Committee (SAC) as follows:
A. All watercourses subject to adopted ERZ or WASH regulations are reviewed by SAC as part of Section 3.3.3, PDSD Director
B. All watercourses designated to be treated consistent with the ERZ or WASH regulations under this technical standard and regulatory floodplain watercourses may be reviewed by SAC upon either the request of the applicant or upon the determination by the PDSD Director that such review is appropriate.
C. Review by SAC shall focus upon whether the application correctly defines, delineates and describes the protected riparian area and complies with Section 4-02.2.5.B.2 and 3, Development Restrictions and Mitigation Plan, respectively.
4.1 A minor encroachment modification may be requested for necessary development in addition to the roadway, bike path, paved trail and utility improvements as provided in Technical Standard 4-02.2.5.B.2 above. A minor encroachment under this subsection shall be approved if the loss of riparian resources does not impair the function of the habitat and the mitigation provides riparian resources of greater value if the request is granted. A modification under this subsection shall not exceed 5% of the total area of the protected riparian area on the . The mitigation shall be provided on a three to one ratio of new habitat for disturbed habitat. The mitigation shall be within the protected riparian area or an area that directly connects with the protected riparian areas. The mitigation shall be integrated with, and function as a part of, the protected riparian areas. The requirements for the Environmental Resource Report may be modified by PDSD staff as may be appropriate to document a minor encroachment under this subsection.