5.6   City Manager Decision
   A.   The City Manager may approve, deny, remand the proposed amendment to the of the initiating department for further review, or forward the proposed amendment to the Mayor and Council for consideration and action.
   B.   Except when the proposed amendment is forwarded to the Mayor and Council for consideration and action, the City Manager’s decision is final and the amendment becomes effective upon the signature of the City Manager. When the proposed amendment is approved through adoption of an ordinance by the Mayor and Council, the effective date of the ordinance applies.
5.7   Notice of Decision
   The PDSD Director shall notify the , affected governmental and non-governmental agencies, and interested and affected properties of the decision on the proposed amendment.
(Am. Admin. Directive 1.02-9, rev. 4/25/2014)
6.1   General
   A.   The of the department responsible for the review or enforcement of the applicable technical standard may allow modifications and exceptions to the application submittal requirements and technical standards in accordance with the procedure and findings provided below.
   B.   The process of modifying the Technical Standards is known as the Technical Standards Modification Request (TSMR).
   C.   Requests to modify the technical standards are submitted to the Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD) Director for review and are coordinated by the PDSD.
   D.   Each Technical Standard indicates the intent of each requirement and standards relating to health, life, and safety. The provisions of the Technical Standards are not intended to prevent the use of any material or method of construction not specifically prescribed by the Technical Standards. The of the responsible department may approve alternate materials and/or methods of construction provided that the proposed alternate meets the intent of the prescribed Technical Standard and addresses any health, life, and safety considerations.
   E.   Requirements of the restated in the Technical Standard Manual may not be modified by this process.
6.2   Application and Fees Required
   A.   Applicants must submit a Technical Standards Modification Request application, which are available at the PDSD office, along with eight copies of the plan which clearly indicates the area(s) of the project affected by the request to the PDSD Department. Additionally, the applicant is responsible for supplying whatever information is necessary to demonstrate that there are practical difficulties resulting from the strict application of the Technical Standard.
   B.   Except for modification requests to the application submittal requirements, fees are required in accordance with Section 4-01.0.0 of the Administrative Manual. Fees are not required for modification requests to the application submittal requirements.