The review procedure is as follows:
A. Proposed amendments are submitted to the Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD) Director for review and are coordinated by the PDSD; and,
B. The PDSD Director will transmit for review the proposed amendment to the
), and/or any other city department or non-city agency involved in the review of development applications. Additionally, the PDSD Director will notify interested and affected parties of the proposed amendment and make the proposed amendment available for their review and comment.
of the initiating department shall make a recommendation on the proposed amendment. In making a recommendation, the
may revise the proposal based on comments from interested and affected parties, the
, and other review agencies. The
may also forward the revised proposal to the
for further review and recommendation.
A. The City Manager may approve, deny, remand the proposed amendment to the
of the initiating department for further review, or forward the proposed amendment to the Mayor and Council for consideration and action.
B. Except when the proposed amendment is forwarded to the Mayor and Council for consideration and action, the City Manager’s decision is final and the amendment becomes effective upon the signature of the City Manager. When the proposed amendment is approved through adoption of an ordinance by the Mayor and Council, the effective date of the ordinance applies.