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Tucson, AZ Code of Ordinances
Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
1-01.2.0   PURPOSE
   The purpose of the Technical Standards Manual is to establish standards for the following:
1.1   Excavating and ;
1.2   Flexible Lot Development - Maximum Density Option;
1.3   Hydrology;
1.4   Landscaping;
1.5   Medical Marijuana - Parks Requiring Setbacks;
1.6   Pedestrian Access;
1.7   Solid Waste and Recycle Disposal, Collection, and Storage;
1.8   Special Development Districts (e.g. Hillside Development Zone, Historic Preservation Zone, Rio Nuevo District, etc.);
1.9   Transportation; and,
1.10   Utilities.
   The Planning and Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD) is responsible for maintaining and publishing the Administrative Manual. The Administrative Manual is available as a public record in the City Clerk’s Office, the PDSD, and the agency responsible for their initiation and/or review. The Administrative Manual is also available on the PDSD website.
1-01.4.0   ENFORCEMENT
   The department and/or agency responsible for the adopted Administrative Manual section are responsible for its implementation.
5.1   Purpose
   The purpose of this section is to establish the procedure for amending the Technical Standards Manual.
5.2   Initiation
   Only the Mayor and Council, City Manager, or the Director of any city department or non-city agency involved in development review may initiate amendments to the Technical Standards Manual.
5.3   Review
   The review procedure is as follows:
   A.   Proposed amendments are submitted to the Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD) Director for review and are coordinated by the PDSD; and,
   B.   The PDSD Director will transmit for review the proposed amendment to the ( ), and/or any other city department or non-city agency involved in the review of development applications. Additionally, the PDSD Director will notify interested and affected parties of the proposed amendment and make the proposed amendment available for their review and comment.