   Any license granted to an adult entertainment business shall be nontransferable. The transferee of any ownership interest in an adult entertainment business shall be required to make a new application for a license, and shall be required to prepare and submit a new community impact statement.
(1986 Code, § 5-102) (Ord. 1985-17, passed 6-17-1985)
§ 114.57 POSTING.
   Any licenses granted to an adult entertainment business shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the business premises.
(1986 Code, § 5-103) (Ord. 1985-17, passed 6-17-1985)
   A license shall not be revoked unless a licensee is given an opportunity for a public hearing as set forth in this section. The steps to be followed to determine a license revocation case shall be as follows:
   (A)   Revocation may be requested:
      (1)   By the Fire Marshal, the Chief of Police, or the building inspectors, on their own initiative; or
      (2)   At the request of any person, when the request is recommended by the Mayor for the consideration of the City Council.
   (B)   The licensee shall be given notice of the intent to request revocation, which shall contain an itemized, reasonably detailed statement of the reasons for which revocation is requested, and shall contain the names of the person or persons making the complaint request against the licensee and the name or names of the person or persons requesting revocation.
   (C)   Notice of the revocation request, including notice of a date and time set for a hearing before the City Council, shall be sent by certified mail to the licensee at the licensee’s address as recorded in the original of the license application, on file with the City Clerk. Notice shall also be posted at the place of business of the licensee within the city.
   (D)   A public hearing shall be held before the City Council, at a regular or special meeting of the City Council within 20 but not less than ten days of notice of the revocation proceedings having been served on the licensee. A licensee shall be given the opportunity to present witnesses, to be presented by an attorney or other agent, and to otherwise present the licensee’s case against revocation.
   (E)   Following the public hearing, the City Council shall render its written decision within three days, granting or denying the revocation request, and stating the reasons therefor. All decisions of the City Council shall be final.
   (F)   The institution of a license revocation procedure shall not act as a bar to any criminal prosecutions for the violation of state law or the provisions of this chapter or any other code provision, nor shall it bar any civil actions to enjoin or abate any nuisance under this chapter.
(1986 Code, § 5-104) (Ord. 1985-17, passed 6-17-1985)