(A)   Within 30 days of the date when the community impact statement and license application is filed with the City Clerk, the City Council shall hold a public hearing for the purposes of considering the community impact statement. The public hearing shall be known as a “step one” hearing. The applicant, members of the public, the Chief of Police or his or her designate, the Fire Marshal or his or her designate, the building inspectors or other concerned persons may present evidence or statements to the Council in favor of the impact of the adult entertainment business on the community, or to indicate that the adult entertainment business will have a significant adverse impact upon the community. At the close of the public hearing, the Council shall:
      (1)   Deny the advancement of the application to step two on the grounds that the proposed adult entertainment business will have a significant adverse impact upon the community;
      (2)   Deny the advancement of the application to step two on the grounds that the community impact statement is deficient. If the Council determines that the community impact statement is deficient, the Council shall indicate the nature of the deficiencies to the applicant; or
      (3)   Adopt a resolution accepting the community impact statement and advancing the application to step two of the licensing process.
   (B)   Within 30 days after the date when a community impact statement is approved, the City Council shall hold a public hearing to consider the adult entertainment business license. This public hearing shall be known as a “step two” hearing. The applicant, members of the public, the Chief of Police or his or her designate, the Fire Marshal or his or her designate, the building inspectors or other concerned persons may present evidence or statements to the Council in favor of the license application or in opposition to the license application. At the close of the public hearing, the Council shall:
      (1)   Take action to approve the license application; or
      (2)   Take action to deny the license application.
(1986 Code, § 5-99) (Ord. 1985-17, passed 6-17-1985)