A performance appraisal system for individual employees may be adopted or continued and instituted by the City in cooperation with Local 7. The system's use in rewarding exemplary performance and determining training needs shall be initiated by mutual agreement with Local 7 by a committee consisting of up to six (6) members (3 City, 3 Local 7), at least one of which from the affected unit.
The performance appraisal system shall include a measurement instrument, mutually agreed to by the City and the Union, including the establishment of performance goals to be agreed upon by the employee and the supervisor. The system shall include training in proper evaluation techniques for both employee and supervisor.
Following the development of the system and employee training, a trial period, not to exceed six (6) months, shall be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the performance evaluation system. Data from the trial period will be used to evaluate methods of improving the system.
After the trial period and the evaluation of the pilot performance appraisal system, the modified system may be replicated in other divisions by mutual agreement of the City and the Union.