947.02. Compliance with rules and regulations.
   (a)   All Providers who have been authorized by a Competent Authority to Provide Electric Energy within the City shall comply with the provisions of this chapter as the same may be amended from time to time.
   (b)   All Providers shall comply with all applicable PUCO regulations and requirements. This requirement shall not apply to municipal utilities or Electric Service Companies not regulated by the PUCO.
   (c)   All Providers regulated by the PUCO shall comply with the Electric Service and Safety Standards adopted by the PUCO, when effective, and compliance therewith shall be determined only by the PUCO subject to the City’s exercise of its police powers and regulation of the public ways.
   (d)   Whenever performance of an obligation of a Provider hereunder requires the consent or approval of Competent Authority, the Provider shall make a good faith effort to obtain such consent or approval. The Provider shall not be considered to be in default or breach of any such obligation if, notwithstanding the Provider’s good faith efforts, the Provider is unable to obtain any such required consent or approval.
   (e)   In the event a Competent Authority, including but not limited to the PUCO or the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission implements or proposes to implement any rule, regulation or order inconsistent with the terms of this chapter, the Provider shall promptly notify and consult with the City concerning the conflict.
   (f)   All Providers shall promptly and fully comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, judgments, decrees, orders, rules and regulations of any Competent Authority having jurisdiction over the Provider’s activities, provided, however, that the Provider may seek to stay compliance during an appeal or contest of such statute, ordinance, judgment, decree, order, rule or regulation. Nothing herein prevents the City from asserting that compliance should not be stayed during the period of such appeal or contest.
(Ord. 1038-98. Passed 9-29-98.)