941.03 General prohibitions.
   (a)   No person, site or facility shall discharge, cause, permit, or contribute to the discharge of any of the following to the municipal storm sewer system or receiving waters except where approved by the Director and Ohio EPA:
      (1)   Any liquid, solid, or gas which by reason of its nature or quantity are flammable, reactive, explosive, corrosive, or radioactive or by interaction with other materials could result in fire, explosion or injury;
      (2)   Any solid or viscous materials that could cause obstruction to the flow or operation of the municipal storm sewer system;
      (3)   Any pollutant that injures or constitutes a hazard to human, animal, plant, or fish life, or creates a public nuisance;
      (4)   Any medicinal, infectious, toxic, or hazardous material or waste.
   (b)   No person, site or facility shall discharge into or connect any pipe or channel to a watercourse or modify the natural flow of water in a watercourse unless a written permit has first been obtained from the Director.
   (c)   No person, site or facility responsible for new development, significant redevelopment or construction sites shall fail to use Best Management Practices, acceptable to the City, to control the discharge of pollutants in storm water runoff to the municipal storm sewer system.
   (d)   No political subdivision or any person subject to the authority of a political subdivision that discharges, contributes or allows the discharge or contribution of storm water directly or indirectly to the municipal storm sewer system or storm water drainage systems of Toledo shall fail to use Best Management Practices, acceptable to Toledo, to control the discharge of pollutants and volume of flow in such discharges.
   (e)   No person, site or facility shall permit any discharge that would result in or contribute to a violation of NPDES Permit Number 2PI00003*BD, or subsequent renewals of this permit which are on file in the Division of Environmental Services and Ohio EPA.
(Ord. 607-07. Passed 10-2-07.)