The Chief Administrative Officer shall prescribe forms to be used in submitting budget estimates and shall prescribe the procedures deemed necessary for the guidance of officials in preparing such budget estimates. The Chief Administrative Officer may also require a statement of the purposes of any proposed expenditure and a justification of the services financed by any expenditure.
(Ord. 147, passed 5-19-2004)
The Chief Administrative Officer shall review the department estimates with a representative or representatives from each department. The purpose of the review shall be to clarify the estimates, ensure their accuracy and determine their adherence to the policies enumerated by the Chief Administrative Officer pursuant to § 33.04.
(Ord. 147, passed 5-19-2004)
(A) The Chief Administrative Officer shall prepare a budget, which shall present a complete financial plan for the ensuing year, utilizing those estimates received from the various agencies.
(B) The budget will be prepared in such a manner that shall assure that the total of estimated expenditures including an accrued deficit in any fund does not exceed the total of expected revenues including an unappropriated surplus.
(C) The budget shall consist of the following parts:
(1) Detailed estimates of all proposed expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year for each department and office of the village showing the expenditures for the corresponding items for the current and last preceding fiscal year;
(2) Statements of the bonded and other indebtedness of the village, showing the debt redemption and interest requirements, the debt authorized and unissued, and the condition of sinking funds, if any;
(3) An estimate of the amount of surplus expected in the current fiscal year; and
(4) An estimate of all anticipated revenues of the village which will be necessary to meet the proposed expenditures and commitments during the ensuing fiscal year. This should included:
(a) Sources other than taxes;
(b) Income from borrowing;
(c) Current and delinquent taxes; and
(d) Bond issues.
(D) Included in this estimate shall be:
(1) Corresponding figures for the current and preceding fiscal year;
(2) Such other supporting schedules as the Council may deem necessary; and
(3) An informative summary of projected revenues and expenditures of any special assessment funds, public improvement or building and site funds, intragovernmental service funds or enterprise funds, including the estimated total cost and proposed method of financing each capital construction project and the projected additional annual operating cost and the method of financing the operating costs of each capital construction project for three years beyond the fiscal year covered by the budget.
(Ord. 147, passed 5-19-2004)
(A) No later than July 1 of each year, the Chief Administrative Officer shall transmit the budget to the Village Council.
(B) The budget shall be accompanied by:
(1) A draft resolution for adoption by the Council, consistent with the budget, which shall set forth the anticipated revenue and requested expenditure authority for the ensuing fiscal year in such form and in such detail deemed appropriate by the Chief Administrative Officer, provided that it is consistent with the uniform chart of accounts prescribed the state. No budget resolution shall be submitted to the Council in which estimated total expenditures, including an accrued deficit, exceed estimated total revenues, including an available surplus; and
(2) A budget message which shall explain the reason for increases or decreases in budgeted items compared with the current fiscal year, the policy of the Chief Administrative Officer as it relates to important budgetary items, and any other information that the Chief Administrative Officer determines to be useful to the Council in its consideration of the proposed budget.
(Ord. 147, passed 5-19-2004; Ord. 169, passed 5-9-2007)
(A) The Village Council shall fix the time and place of a public hearing to be held on the budget and proposed budget resolution. The Village Clerk shall then have published in a newspaper of general circulation within the village, notice of the hearing and an indication of the place at which the budget and proposed budget resolution may be inspected by the public. This notice must be published at least seven days before the date of hearing.
(B) The Village Council may direct the Chief Administrative Officer to submit any additional information it deems relevant in its consideration of the budget and proposed budget resolution. The Village Council may conduct budgetary reviews with the Chief Administrative Officer for the purpose of clarification or justification of proposed budgetary items.
(C) The Village Council may revise, alter or substitute for the proposed general budget resolution in any way, except that it may not change it in a way that would cause total appropriations, including an accrued deficit, to exceed total estimated revenues, including an unappropriated surplus. An accrued deficit shall be the first item of expenditure in the general appropriations measure.
(Ord. 147, passed 5-19-2004)
(A) No later than the second Wednesday of September, the Village Council shall pass a resolution providing the authority to make expenditures and incur obligations on behalf of the village.
(B) The Village Council may authorize transfers between appropriation items by the Chief Administrative Officer within limits stated in the resolution. In no case, however, may such limits stated in the resolution or motion exceed those provided for in § 33.16.
(C) The village budget may include information concerning the amount of tax levy expected to be required to raise those sums of money included in the budget resolution. In conformance with state law, and at such times as the Village Council shall determine to be appropriate, the Village Council shall order to be raised by taxation those sums of money necessary to defray the expenditures and meet the liabilities of the village for the fiscal year. The Village Council may take such action after the value of the property in the village as finally equalized has been determined.
(Ord. 147, passed 5-19-2004; Ord. 169, passed 5-9-2007)
(A) No money shall be drawn from the village treasury unless the Village Council has approved the annual budget.
(B) Each warrant, draft or contract of the village shall specify the fund and appropriation, designated by a number assigned in the accounting system classification established pursuant to law, from which it is payable and shall be paid from no other fund or appropriation.
(C) Expenditures shall not be charged directly to any contingent or general account. Instead, the necessary amount of the appropriation from such account shall be transferred pursuant to the provisions of this chapter to the appropriate general appropriation account and the expenditure then charged to the account.
(Ord. 147, passed 5-19-2004)