33.01 Title
33.02 Fiscal year
33.03 Chief Administrative Officer and Fiscal Officer
33.04 Budget policy statement
33.05 Budget estimates required
33.06 Budget forms
33.07 Department budget review
33.08 The budget document
33.09 Transmittal of budget to Village Council
33.10 Consideration of budget by Village Council
33.11 Passage of budget resolution
33.12 Procedure for disbursements
33.13 Limit on obligations and payments
33.14 Periodic finance reports
33.15 Transfers
33.16 Supplemental appropriations
33.17 Appropriation adjustment required
33.18 Violation may be cause for removal from office
The Village President shall be the Chief Administrative Officer referred to in this chapter and shall be responsible for the performance of the duties of that officer enumerated in this chapter. The President may appoint a Fiscal Officer and delegate to that officer any or all of the budgeting duties specified in §§ 33.05 through 33.08. The Fiscal Officer shall be responsible to the Chief Administrative Officer for the performance of budgetary duties. The Fiscal Officer so appointed shall be a member of the Village Council or the Village Manager.
(Ord. 147, passed 5-19-2004; Ord. 191, passed 5-11-2011)
No later than May 1 of each year, the Chief Administrative Officer shall send to each officer, department, committee, commission and board of the Village a budget policy statement for the use of those agencies in preparing their estimates of budgetary requirements for the ensuing fiscal year.
(Ord. 147, passed 5-19-2004; Ord. 169, passed 5-9-2007)
Any officers, elected or appointed, departments, committees, commissions and boards of the village financed in whole or in part by the village shall, on or before June 1 of each year, transmit to the Chief Administrative Officer their estimates of the accounts of money required for each activity in their agencies for the ensuring fiscal year. They shall also submit any other information deemed relevant by the Chief Administrative Officer.
(Ord. 147, passed 5-19-2004; Ord. 169, passed 5-9-2007)