General Provisions
   156.01   Definitions
   156.02   Trailers outside licensed park
   156.03   Regulation of single-family and duplex industrialized housing
Mobile Home Parks
   156.15   Compliance with chapter and zoning ordinance
   156.16   Location
   156.17   Off-street parking
   156.18   Driveways
   156.19   Walkways
   156.20   Construction generally
   156.21   Electrical outlets
   156.22   Appurtenances to mobile homes
   156.23   Natural or artificial barrier required along park boundaries
   156.24   Water supply
   156.25   Sewage disposal; sewer connections
   156.26   Garbage receptacles
   156.27   Fire protection
   156.28   Animals running at large or committing nuisance
   156.29   Maintenance
   156.30   Register of occupants
   156.31   Supervision
Mobile Home Park Licensing
   156.45   Required
   156.46   Filing and contents of application
   156.47   Hearing on application
   156.48   Standards for evaluation of application
   156.49   Fee; issuance; conditions
   156.50   Posting
   156.51   Transfer
   156.52   Revocation and reinstatement
   156.53   Rules for park management required; responsibilities of operator
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   LICENSEE. Any person licensed to operate and maintain a mobile home park under the provisions of this chapter.
   MANUFACTURED HOME. A structure, that was constructed on or after 6-15-1976, transportable in one or more sections which, in the traveling mode, is eight feet or more in width, or 40 feet or more in length, or when erected on site is 320 or more square feet in area and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning and electrical systems. The term does not include a recreational vehicle.
   MOBILE HOME. A structure that was constructed before 6-15-1976, transportable in one or more sections which, in the traveling mode, is eight feet or more in width, or 40 feet or more in length, or when erected on site is 320 or more square feet in area and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning and electrical systems. The term does not include a recreational vehicle.
   MOBILE HOME PARK. Any plot of ground upon which facilities are provided for locating one or more mobile or manufactured homes to be occupied for dwelling or sleeping purposes, regardless of whether or not a charge is made for the accommodation.
   MOBILE HOME SPACE. A plot of ground within a mobile home park designed for the accommodation of one mobile or manufactured home.
   MULTIPLE DWELLING. Any structure designed and intended to accommodate more than one family, including, but not limited to, duplex buildings, group houses and apartment buildings.
   NATURAL OR ARTIFICIAL BARRIER. Any embankment, fence, hedge or other feature that serves to block direct pedestrian access or visibility.
   OPERATOR. The person in charge of operating any mobile home park either under written or verbal lease or under any other arrangement whereby he exercises control over the premises.
   OWNER. The person in whose name the title to the lot, block, tract or parcel of land is shown to be.
   PERMITTEE. Any person to whom a temporary permit is issued to maintain or operate a mobile home park under the provisions of this chapter.
   TRAILER. A mobile or manufactured home.
(1998 Code, § 74-1) (Ord. 02-53, passed 12-4-2002)
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to locate, maintain or live in any manufactured home in any place in the city other than a duly licensed and lawful mobile home park.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person to locate, maintain or live in any mobile home in any place in the city other than a duly licensed and lawful mobile home park, and only where the mobile home was lawfully located in said mobile home park on 1-1-2003.
   (C)   Any owner of a mobile home lawfully located on a duly licensed and lawful mobile home park on 1-1-2003, shall be allowed to replace the mobile home with a manufactured home.
(1998 Code, § 74-2) (Ord. 02-53, passed 12-4-2002) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   Single-family or duplex industrialized housing must have all local permits and licenses that are applicable to other single-family or duplex dwellings.
   (B)   For purposes of this section, single-family or duplex industrialized housing is real property.
   (C)   Any industrialized housing shall:
      (1)   Have a value equal to or greater than the median taxable value for each single-family dwelling located within 500 feet of the lot on which the industrialized housing is proposed to be located, as determined by the most recent certified tax appraisal roll for the county;
      (2)   Have exterior siding, roofing, roof pitch, foundation fascia and fenestration compatible with the single-family dwellings located within 500 feet of the lot on which the industrialized housing is proposed to be located;
      (3)   Comply with city aesthetic standards, building setbacks, side and rear yard offsets, subdivision control, architectural landscaping, square footage and other site requirements applicable to single-family dwellings; and
      (4)   Be securely fixed to a permanent foundation.
   (D)   For purposes of division (C) above, VALUE means the taxable value of the industrialized housing and lot after installation of the housing.
   (E)   (1)   Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, erect, install or move any industrialized housing into the city shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permits.
      (2)   In addition to any other information otherwise required for said permits, the application shall:
         (a)   Identify each single-family dwelling located within 500 feet of the lot on which the industrialized housing is to be located, and show the taxable value for each such dwelling as determined by the most recent certified tax appraisal roll for the county;
         (b)   Describe the exterior siding, roofing, roof pitch, foundation fascia and fenestration for each single-family dwelling located with 500 feet of the lot on which the industrialized housing is to be located;
         (c)   Describe the permanent foundation and method of attachment proposed for the industrialized housing;
         (d)   State the taxable value of the industrialized housing and the lot after installation of the industrialized housing; and
         (e)   Indicate the deed restrictions otherwise applicable to the real property on which the industrialized housing is to be located.
   (F)   A person commits an offense if the person:
      (1)   Fails to make an application for a permit as required by this section; or
      (2)   Constructs, erects, installs or moves any industrialized housing into the city which does not comply with this section.
   (G)   This chapter does not limit the authority of the city to adopt regulations to protect historic properties or historic districts.
(1998 Code, § 74-80) (Ord. 03-30, passed 8-6-2003)
   It shall be unlawful for any person to establish, conduct, operate or maintain any trailer park within the corporate limits of the city without fully complying with all the provisions of this chapter and with the provisions of Ch. 160 of this code of ordinances.
(1998 Code, § 74-31) Penalty, see § 10.99