§ 156.45 REQUIRED.
   It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain or operate a mobile home park within the limits of the city unless the person shall first obtain a license therefor.
(1998 Code, § 74-61) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   Applications for mobile home park licenses shall be filed in triplicate with and issued by the Building Official.
   (B)   The application shall be in writing, shall be signed by the applicant and shall include the following:
      (1)   The name and address of the applicant;
      (2)   The location and legal description of the mobile home park;
      (3)   A complete plan of the park;
      (4)   Plans and specifications of all buildings, improvements and facilities constructed or to be constructed within the mobile home park; and
      (5)   Any further information as may be requested to enable determination that the proposed park will comply with legal requirements.
(1998 Code, § 74-62)
   Upon the filing of an application for a mobile home park license, a public hearing shall be set by the City Commission on the application. Prior thereto, notice of the hearing shall be given to each property owner owning property within 200 feet of the tract upon which the applicant proposes to establish a trailer park by mailing to each property owner a written notice, by first class mail, ten days before the hearing, at the address shown by the latest tax roll of the City Tax Assessor and Collector. Additionally, notice shall be given by publishing the notice in the official newspaper of the city one time at least ten days prior to the hearing. The notice shall state the date, time, place and purpose of the hearing. At the hearing, the applicant, witnesses for the applicant, his or her attorney, those contesting the application and their attorneys will be heard. Any documentary evidence advanced by either side, including letters bearing on the subject of the hearing, will be filed and considered.
(1998 Code, § 74-63)
   In passing upon the question of whether the application for a mobile home park license should be granted, the City Commission shall consider the following:
   (A)   The density of dwelling and commercial properties within the immediate vicinity;
   (B)   Elevation and drainage of the proposed location;
   (C)   Size of the tract and the number of units proposed to be constructed or installed thereon;
   (D)   The availability of public water and sanitary sewer facilities;
   (E)   The availability of water in volume for use in the event of fire;
   (F)   Health characteristics of the site; and
   (H)   Any other characteristics of the proposed trailer park use as the Commission may deem proper.
(1998 Code, § 74-64)
   (A)   A fee in the sum of $100 shall accompany the application for a mobile home park license when filed with the Building Official and shall not be refundable even if the application is rejected.
   (B)   After a hearing, the City Commission shall have the power to issue a license for the trailer park.
   (C)   However, if the City Commission deems it in the public interest, before issuance of a license, the Commission may provide that reasonable requirements or conditions shall be met so as to bring the site of the trailer park as planned up to a good level of usefulness in keeping with the provisions of this chapter. Within six months of this action, but not thereafter, the Building Official shall issue the license upon satisfactory proof from the applicant that all of the requirements or conditions have been met.
(1998 Code, § 74-65) (Ord. 13-10, passed 4-3-2013)
§ 156.50 POSTING.
   The license issued under the provisions of this subchapter shall be conspicuously posted in the office of or on the premises of the mobile home park at all times.
(1998 Code, § 74-66)
§ 156.51 TRANSFER.
   Upon application, in writing, for transfer of a license issued under the provisions of this subchapter and payment of a fee of $25, the Building Official shall issue a transfer if the transferee is of good moral character.
(1998 Code, § 74-67)
   The Building Official may revoke any license to maintain and operate a mobile home park when the licensee has been found guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction of violating any provision of this chapter or applicable provision of this code, state law or city ordinance, rule or regulation. After the conviction, the license may be reissued if the circumstances leading to conviction have been remedied and the park is being maintained and operated in full compliance with law.
(1998 Code, § 74-68)