General Provisions
113.001 Policy
113.002 General authority and duties of Director
113.003 Exemptions
113.004 Definitions
Administration and Enforcement
113.020 Inspections
113.021 Surrender of license, insignia and equipment
113.022 Enforcement by Police Department
113.023 Order to correct violation
113.024 Service of notices
Operating Authority
113.035 Required
113.036 Transfer
113.037 Approval by Chief of Police or his or her designated director required; service requirements
113.038 Qualifications
113.039 Filing and contents of application; application fee
113.040 Investigation and findings of fact; hearing on application
113.041 Renewal of annual permit
113.042 Amendment, suspension or revocation
113.043 Permit fees
113.044 Incorporation of special provisions in grant of operating authority
Driver’s Permit
113.055 Required
113.056 Qualifications
113.057 Application
113.058 Investigation of applicant
113.059 Issuance or denial
113.060 Duration; voidance upon suspension or revocation of state driver’s license
113.061 Duplicate permit
113.062 Suspension by Chief of Police or his or her designated director
113.063 Suspension or revocation by Chief of Police or his or her designated director
113.064 Appeals
113.065 Falsifying permit, badge or emblem
113.066 Notification of change in mailing address of permittee
Operating Authority Holder’s and Driver’s Regulations
113.080 Generally
113.081 Holder’s duty to enforce compliance by drivers
113.082 Insurance
113.083 Apparel and appearance of drivers
113.084 Driver’s daily manifest
113.085 Holder’s records and reports
Service Regulations
113.100 Citywide taxicab service required; response to calls; dispatching station
113.101 Representation of availability of taxicab
113.102 Refusal to convey passengers
113.103 Passenger limitations
113.104 Drivers to carry passengers by most direct route
113.105 Solicitation of passengers
113.106 Use of taxicab stands
113.107 Conduct of drivers
113.108 Return of property left in taxicab
113.109 Establishment of taxicab stands
113.110 Service regulations for business establishments requesting taxicabs for customers
Vehicles and Equipment
113.125 False representation as taxicab
113.126 Vehicle requirements and inspections
113.127 Required equipment
113.128 Display receptacle; display of driver and company information
113.129 Decals
113.130 Not-for-hire status of taxicabs
113.131 Removal of equipment
113.132 Fares
113.133 Misdemeanor to overcharge
It is the policy of the city to provide for and to promote adequate and efficient taxicab service in the city. To this end, this chapter provides for the regulation of taxicab rates and services, to be carried out in a manner that protects the public health and safety, promotes the public convenience and necessity, and respects the concept of free enterprise.
(1998 Code, § 126-131) (Ord. 05-19, passed 7-6-2005)
The Chief of Police or his or her designated director who shall implement and enforce this chapter and may, by written order, establish such rules or regulations, not inconsistent with this chapter, as he or she determines are necessary to discharge his or her duty under or to effect the policy of this chapter.
(1998 Code, § 126-132) (Ord. 05-19, passed 7-6-2005; Ord. 13-16, passed 6-19-2013)
This chapter does not apply to:
(A) The transportation of a person by taxicab licensed by another governmental entity from a point outside the city to a destination inside the city, if the taxicab leaves the city without receiving a passenger inside the city;
(B) A taxicab service operated under state or federal authority unless the service is subject to the city’s regulatory authority; or
(C) A motor vehicle used to transport persons for hire that is regulated by other city ordinance.
(1998 Code, § 126-134) (Ord. 05-19, passed 7-6-2005; Ord. 13-16, passed 6-19-2013)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANNUAL PERMIT. Permission granted by the city to a person to operate a taxicab service inside the city for a period of one year, renewable under the provisions of this chapter.
CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER. A person that has received a rendition of an order by a court imposing a punishment of incarceration, probation or fine for a crime of aggravated sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault of a child, aggravated sexual assault 65 years or older, aggravated kidnaping (violate/abuse victim sexually), indecency with child-sexual contact, sexual assault, sexual assault of a child, sexual performance of child, prohibited sexual conduct, compelling prostitution, possession/promotion of child pornography, indecency with a child - exposure, kidnaping with victim under 17 years of age, unlawful restraint with victim under 17 years of age, aggravated kidnaping (with no sexual intent and victim under 17 years of age), indecent exposure-second conviction, preparatory offense - attempt, conspiracy and solicitation to commit any sexual offense. Also included is a conviction of any statute from another state, regardless of title, that the elements of which meet the above offenses.
CONVICTION. A conviction in a federal court or a court of any state or foreign nation or political subdivision of a state or foreign nation that has not been reversed, vacated or pardoned.
DEPARTMENT. The Police Department.
DIRECTOR. The Police Chief’s designee assigned to enforce and administer this chapter, and includes representatives, agents or department employees designated by the Director.
DRIVER. An individual who drives or operates a taxicab.
HOLDER. A person who is granted an annual permit.
LEGAL RESIDENT. A citizen of the United States or a person residing in the United States in accordance with federal immigration laws.
OPERATE. To drive or to be in control of a taxicab.
OPERATING AUTHORITY. A annual permit granted under this chapter.
OPERATOR. The driver of a taxicab, the owner of a taxicab or the holder of a taxicab operating authority.
OWNER. The person to whom state license plates for a vehicle were issued.
PERSON. An individual, corporation, government or governmental subdivision, or agency, trust or partnership, or two or more persons having a joint or common economic interest.
TAXICAB. A chauffeured motor vehicle with a rated passenger capacity of eight or less, used to transport persons for hire, that typically operates on irregular routes, irregular schedules and a call and demand basis.
TAXICAB DRIVER’S PERMIT. A permit issued to an individual by the Chief of Police or his or her designated director authorizing that person to operate a taxicab in the city.
TAXICAB SERVICE. A passenger transportation service operated for hire that uses taxicabs in the operation of the service, and includes, but is not limited to, a facility from which the service is operated, taxicabs used in the operation, and a person who owns, controls or operates the service.
TAXICAB STAND. A public place reserved exclusively for use by taxicabs.
(1998 Code, § 126-135) (Ord. 05-19, passed 7-6-2005; Ord. 13-16, passed 6-19-2013)