   (A)   Every taxicab must have a display receptacle approved by the Director securely affixed to a conspicuous place on the dashboard. A display receptacle shall be at least six and one-quarter inches by ten inches in area, constructed of a rigid material and designed to accommodate the following information in accordance with the required dimensions:
      (1)   Driver’s permit; and
      (2)   The company name in block letters not less than one-half inch high with at least a one-eighth-inch stroke, with the taxicab number placed under it in block numbers and letters not less than three-fourths inch high with at least a three-sixteenths inch stroke, which must be laminated as a single unit not less than three inches by two and one-half inches in size.
   (B)   A holder, owner or driver of a taxicab commits an offense if he or she operates or allows operation of a taxicab that is equipped with:
      (1)   No required display receptacle;
      (2)   A display receptacle that does not contain required information; or
      (3)   A display receptacle that contains insufficient or incorrect information.
(1998 Code, § 126-284) (Ord. 05-19, passed 7-6-2005) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 113.129 DECALS.
   (A)   The holder and/or owner of a taxicab shall obtain a decal, indicating the taxicab’s authority to operate, from the Director each year. A decal must be attached to the driver’s side rear window at the bottom.
   (B)   A person commits an offense if he or she:
      (1)   Operates a taxicab with an expired decal or with no decal affixed to it;
      (2)   Attaches a decal to a vehicle not authorized to operate as a taxicab;
      (3)   Forges, alters or counterfeits a taxicab decal required by this section;
      (4)   Possesses a forged, altered or counterfeited taxicab decal required by this section; or
      (5)   Displays more than one taxicab decal issued by the city on a vehicle at the same time.
   (C)   A taxicab decal assigned to one vehicle is not transferable to another.
(1998 Code, § 126-285) (Ord. 05-19, passed 7-6-2005) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   Each taxicab is presumed to be on duty and ready to serve the general public for hire.
   (B)   If a driver is not for hire and does not intend to provide taxicab service, the driver shall comply with the following requirements.
      (1)   The driver shall place a sign, to be provided by the holder, in the taxicab indicating the words “NOT FOR HIRE” printed in letters not less than three inches in height with a stroke of not less than three-eighths inch. The letters shall be on a backing of sufficient thickness to not easily bend.
      (2)   When a driver is not for hire, the driver shall display the sign in an upright position in the front window on the right side of the taxicab so as to be easily seen and read from outside of the taxicab.
(1998 Code, § 126-286) (Ord. 05-19, passed 7-6-2005) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   Whenever a vehicle is removed from service or is no longer authorized to operate as a taxicab, the holder and or owner shall remove from the vehicle all taxicab signs, markings and equipment that would distinguish the vehicle as a taxicab, including, but not limited to, radios, toplights and decals.
   (B)   A holder, owner or driver of a taxicab shall not sell or transfer to a driver any radio, toplight, meter or other equipment that would distinguish a vehicle as a taxicab.
(1998 Code, § 126-287) (Ord. 05-19, passed 7-6-2005) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 113.132 FARES.
   (A)   The City Commission shall have the right to change or establish the rates and fares to be charged by taxicabs in the city at any time it deems necessary by ordinance.
   (B)   Until otherwise changed by the City Commission, or by regulation of the Chief of Police or his or her designated director, the following taxicab rates and fares shall be effective in the city.
      (1)   The rate of fare for one or more passengers picked up from the same point and delivered to a common destination shall not exceed $5 for a pickup and $0.20 for each additional one-tenth mile.
      (2)   Waiting time consumed by the taxicab at the instance of the passengers shall be at a rate not to exceed $5 for the first five minutes and $0.50 for each additional minute.
      (3)   If two or more passengers are going to the same destination, the driver shall collect only one fare, if the passengers are going to different destinations, the driver shall proceed to the next destination as though it were a completely new trip. Other destinations shall be treated likewise.
(1998 Code, § 126-288) (Ord. 05-19, passed 7-6-2005; Ord. 13-16, passed 6-19-2013)
   It shall be unlawful for any owner, driver or operator of any taxicab to refuse to convey a passenger over the most direct route practical or to demand or receive an amount in excess of the rates displayed on the rate cards displayed in the taxicab and/or the rate shown on the meter. Voluntary tips are excepted.
(1998 Code, § 126-289) (Ord. 05-19, passed 7-6-2005) Penalty, see § 10.99