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Texas City Overview
Texas City, TX, Texas Code of Ordinances
   In addition to other duties assigned in this chapter, department heads shall:
   (A)   Cooperate with the Records Management Officer in carrying out the policies and procedures established in the city for the efficient and economical management of records and in carrying out the requirements of this chapter;
   (B)   Adequately document the transaction of government business and the services, programs and duties for which the department head and his or her staff are responsible; and
   (C)   Maintain the records in his or her care and carry out their preservation, microfilming, destruction or other disposition only in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Records Management Program of the city and the requirements of this chapter.
(1998 Code, § 2-209)
   (A)   Each department head shall designate a member of his or her staff to serve as Records Liaison Officer for the implementation of the Records Management Program in the department. If the Records Management Officer determines that, in the best interests of the Records Management Program, more than one Records Liaison Officer shall be designated for a department, the department head shall designate the number of Records Liaison Officers specified by the Records Management Officer. Persons designated as Records Liaison Officers shall be thoroughly familiar with all the records created and maintained by the department and shall have full access to all records of the city maintained by the department. In the event of the resignation, retirement, dismissal or removal by action of the department head of a person designated as a Records Liaison Officer, the department head shall promptly designate another person to fill the vacancy. A department head may serve as Records Liaison Officer for his or her department.
(1998 Code, § 2-210)
   (B)   In addition to other duties assigned in this chapter, Records Liaison Officers shall:
      (1)   Conduct or supervise the conduct of inventories of the records of the department in preparation for the development of records control schedules;
      (2)   In cooperation with the Records Management Officer, coordinate and implement the policies and procedures of the Records Management Program in their departments; and
      (3)   Disseminate information to department staff concerning the Records Management Program.
(1998 Code, § 2-211)
   (A)   The Records Management Officer, in cooperation with department heads and Records Liaison Officers, shall prepare records control schedules on a department-by-department basis listing all records created or received by the department and the retention period for each record. Records control schedules shall also contain such other information regarding the disposition of city records as the Records Management Plan may require.
   (B)   Each records control schedule shall be monitored and amended as needed by the Records Management Officer on a regular basis to ensure that it is in compliance with records retention schedules issued by the state and that it continues to reflect the recordkeeping procedures and needs of the departments and the Records Management Program of the city.
   (C)   Before its adoption, a records control schedule or amended schedule for a department must be approved by the department head and the members of the Records Management Committee.
   (D)   Before its adoption, a records control schedule must be submitted to and accepted for filing by the Director and Librarian of the State Library as provided by state law. If a schedule is not accepted for filing, the schedule shall be amended to make it acceptable for filing. The Records Management Officer shall submit the records control schedules to the Director and Librarian.
(1998 Code, § 2-212)
   (A)   A records control schedule for a department that has been approved and adopted under § 37.10 of this chapter shall be implemented by department heads and Records Liaison Officers according to the policies and procedures of the Records Management Plan.
   (B)   A record whose retention period has expired on a records control schedule shall be destroyed unless an open records request is pending on the record, the subject matter of the record is pertinent to a pending lawsuit, or the department head requests in writing to the Records Management Committee that the record be retained for an additional period.
   (C)   Prior to the destruction of a record under an approved records control schedule, authorization for the destruction must be obtained by the Records Management Officer from the Records Management Committee.
(1998 Code, § 2-213)
   A record that has not yet been listed on an approved records control schedule may be destroyed if its destruction has been approved in the same manner as a record destroyed under an approved schedule and the Records Management Officer has submitted to and received back from the Director and Librarian of the State Library an approved destruction authorization request.
(1998 Code, § 2-214)
   A records center, developed pursuant to the plan required by § 37.06 of this chapter, shall be under the direct control and supervision of the Records Management Officer. Policies and procedures regulating the operation and use of the records center shall be contained in the Records Management Plan developed under § 37.06 of this chapter.
(1998 Code, § 2-215)
   Unless a micrographics/electronic storage program in a department is specifically exempted by order of the city, all microfilming/electronic storage of records will be centralized and under the direct supervision of the Records Management Officer. The Records Management Plan will establish policies and procedures for the microfilming/electronic storage of city records, including policies to ensure that all microfilming/electronic storage is done in accordance with standards and procedures for the microfilming/electronic storage of local government records established in rules of the State Library and Archives Commission. The plan will also establish criteria for determining the eligibility of records for microfilming/electronic storage and protocols for ensuring that a microfilming/electronic storage program that is exempted from the centralized operations is, nevertheless, subject to periodic review by the Records Management Officer as to cost effectiveness, administrative efficiency and compliance with Commission rules.
(1998 Code, § 2-216)
   (A)   Annual time limit. Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code § 552.275(a) and (b), 36 hours is the reasonable limit on the amount of time that personnel of the city are required to spend producing public information for inspection or duplication by a requestor or provided copies of public information to a requestor in any given 12-month period commencing on October 1 of each year, without recovering the city’s costs attributable to that personnel time.
   (B)   Monthly time limit. Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code § 552.275(a) and (b), 15 hours is the reasonable limit on the amount of time that personnel of the city are required to spend producing public information for inspection or duplication by a requestor or provided copies of public information to a requestor in any given monthly period without recovering the city’s costs attributable to that personnel time.
   (C)   Records of time spent fulfilling requests. The City Secretary and/or designee shall be responsible for maintaining records of the cumulative amount of personnel time complying with requests for public information from each individual requestor.
   (D)   Charges for personnel time spent in excess of time limits. Not withstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, any requestor of public information will be charged personnel costs in accordance with Tex. Gov’t Code § 552.275 for all time in excess of 36 hours in any given 12-month period commencing on October 1 of each year or 15 hours in a given monthly period commencing on the first date of each month, spent by personnel of the city in producing public information for inspection or duplication by a requestor, or providing copies of public information to a requestor. The City Secretary or designee shall be responsible for providing all notices to the requestor as required by law, including written statements of accrued time required by Tex. Gov’t Code § 552.275(d) and written estimates of charges required by Tex. Gov’t Code § 552.275(e).
   (E)   “Requestor” defined. For purposes of this section, REQUESTOR shall have the meaning set forth in Tex. Gov’t Code § 552.003(6)
(Ord. 19-11, passed 6-5-2019)