General Provisions
34.01 Establishment
34.02 Jurisdiction
34.03 Combined Code Hearing Unit authorized
34.04 Director and hearing officers; appointment
34.05 Order and other pleading forms
34.06 Hearing officers; powers and duties
34.07 Hearing officers; training requirements
34.08 Rules and regulations; available for public inspection
34.20 Initiating administrative adjudication proceedings
34.21 Subpoenas
34.22 Election of remedies
34.23 Administrative hearing not exclusive
34.24 Notice
34.25 Administrative hearings
34.26 Ex parte disclosures
34.27 Post-hearing motions
34.28 Compliance bond
34.29 Waiver, suspension, or reduction of fines
34.30 Enforcement of hearing officer’s order
34.31 Fines payable to the County Treasurer
34.32 Review of final orders
34.33 Additional rules, regulations, and provisions
34.34 Regulations for the conduct of administrative hearings
34.99 Penalty
Building and Property Maintenance Code, see Chapter 154
Subdivision Code, see Chapter 155
Zoning, see Chapter 157
The Code Hearing Unit may be combined with any adjacent unit of local government to create a combined Code Hearing Unit for the efficient and just adjudication of all ordinance violation cases for the various units of local government.
(Prior Code, 1 TCC 6-3)