In instances where the County Code calls for the imposition of a mandatory minimum fine upon a finding of liability by a Hearing Officer, a Hearing Officer may not waive, suspend, or reduce the imposition of said mandatory minimum fine.
(Prior Code, 1 TCC 6-18)
Any fine, other sanction, or costs imposed by a Hearing Officer’s order and any expenses incurred by the county to enforce the order including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees, court costs, and costs related to property demolition or foreclosure, that remain unpaid after the exhaustion of, or the failure to exhaust, judicial review of a Hearing Officer’s final determination of liability for a code violation shall be a debt due and owing the county and, as such, may be collected in accordance with applicable law.
(Prior Code, 1 TCC 6-19)
(A) Upon becoming final, an order of a Hearing Officer shall be subject to review in the Circuit Court of the county under the applicable avenue of appeal.
(B) In general, appeals of final orders for violations of County Code provisions are governed by the state’s Administrative Review Act (735 ILCS 5/3-101 et seq.).
(Prior Code, 1 TCC 6-22)