There shall be no post-hearing motion practice before the Code Hearing Unit. Appeals or review of final orders shall be governed by § 34.33.
(Prior Code, 1 TCC 6-16)
In order to ensure that code violations are remedied or fines are paid in a timely manner, a Hearing Officer, upon issuing a final determination of liability, may require a code violator to post with the county a compliance bond or, as appropriate, to consent to the granting and recording of a lien against titled property. Bonds and liens shall be approved by the County Auditor and State’s Attorney’s Office as to form and amount. Whenever it is necessary for the county to make repair or otherwise expend funds to a code violation for which a bond was posted, or whenever fines or costs remain unpaid after a code violator has exhausted or failed to exhaust judicial review procedures, the Hearing Officer may, after giving the parties notice and an opportunity to be heard, issue an order permitting the county to draw against the bond in an appropriate amount, or to foreclose the lien. The Hearing Officer shall order the bond or the titled property or proceeds from the titled property, less the costs incurred by the county, returned to the code violator upon proof of compliance with the applicable code provisions and the payment of the applicable fines or costs.
(Prior Code, 1 TCC 6-17)
In instances where the County Code calls for the imposition of a mandatory minimum fine upon a finding of liability by a Hearing Officer, a Hearing Officer may not waive, suspend, or reduce the imposition of said mandatory minimum fine.
(Prior Code, 1 TCC 6-18)
Any fine, other sanction, or costs imposed by a Hearing Officer’s order and any expenses incurred by the county to enforce the order including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees, court costs, and costs related to property demolition or foreclosure, that remain unpaid after the exhaustion of, or the failure to exhaust, judicial review of a Hearing Officer’s final determination of liability for a code violation shall be a debt due and owing the county and, as such, may be collected in accordance with applicable law.
(Prior Code, 1 TCC 6-19)