A.   Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 6-3-2A of this chapter, and subsections 6-1-2B and 6-4-7A of this title, but subject to the off street parking requirements in title 10, chapter 8 of this code and subject to any restrictive covenants of record applicable to the hereinafter mentioned primary residential property, a person who owns or leases or regularly uses a truck-tractor unit may drive such unit, without a semitrailer unit attached thereto, on city streets for not more than the minimum distance necessary to travel from the point of first entry into the corporate limits of the city or from the point of disconnecting the semitrailer attached thereto within the city's corporate limits to such person's primary residential property for the sole purpose of parking such truck-tractor unit, without a semitrailer unit attached thereto, upon such person's primary residential property in an off street parking space located thereon as required by title 10, chapter 8 of this code.
   B.   For purposes hereof, the term "primary residential property" shall mean and include only property located within the corporate limits of the city which is zoned with an R-1 or R-2 (residence district) zoning classification and upon which the person operating such unit regularly resides in the dwelling thereon as his or her primary residence; and such property shall further mean and include the immediate lot or tract of land upon which such person's primary residential dwelling is located thereon; but such property shall not mean or include any adjacent or nearby lot or tract of land even though the same may be also owned or leased by such person.
   C.   Only one such truck-tractor unit (excluding any semitrailer) may be parked upon said primary residential property at any one time; and such one truck-tractor unit must be owned or leased or regularly used by a resident at said primary residential property.
   D.   At no time shall any person permit or allow the engine on such truck-tractor unit to idle for any continuous period of time in excess of ten (10) minutes within a twenty four (24) hour period when such truck-tractor unit is located on said primary residential property.
   E.   No person shall otherwise park any truck-tractor unit or any semitrailer unit or any truck-tractor/semitrailer unit combination upon any property within the city which has an R-1 or R-2 (residence district) zoning classification. (Ord. 2835, 3-16-1998)
   F.   1. For purposes of this subsection F, "truck" shall mean and include any truck or truck-tractor unit or any semitrailer unit or any truck-tractor/semitrailer combination unit regardless of weight or whether such truck, truck-tractor unit, semitrailer unit, or truck-tractor/semitrailer combination unit is loaded or unloaded or running or idling.
      2.   For purposes of this subsection F, "downtown historic district" shall mean and include an eight (8) square block area bordered by Poplar Street on the north, Clay Street on the west, Main Cross Street on the south, and Walnut Street on the east; and a fifteen (15) square block bordered by Main Cross Street on the north, Clay Street on the west, Adams Street on the south, and Pawnee Street on the east.
      3.   Except for the sole purpose of making a delivery or picking up a load for a period of time that is necessary to load, unload and deliver goods, materials, or personal property not to exceed forty five (45) minutes, it shall be otherwise unlawful for any person to park any truck on any portion of any private property or on any portion of any city street, public parking lot, alleyway, boulevard, right of way, or sidewalk which is located within the "downtown historic district".
      4.   Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, it shall not be unlawful to park any truck in a fully enclosed garage, warehouse, building, or structure on private property. (Ord. 3695, 12-1-2014)
   G.   For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
   SEMITRAILER: Shall mean and include every vehicle, without motive power, designed for carrying persons or property and for being drawn by a motor vehicle and so constructed that some of its weight and that of its load rests upon or is carried by another vehicle.
   TRUCK-TRACTOR: Shall mean and include every motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry a load other than a part of the weight of the vehicle and load so drawn.
   H.   It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any term or provision of this section. Any person found to be in violation with any term or provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined in an amount not less than seventy five dollars ($75.00) but no more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) for each offense; and a separate offense shall be deemed to occur on each day on which such violation occurs or continues to occur. (Ord. 2835, 3-16-1998)