(a) Each and every bill rendered for water used shall be paid within twenty days after the same becomes due. No discount shall be allowed for payment within that period. Ten percent (10%) additional shall be charged on each and every bill rendered for water used if not paid within twenty days after the same becomes due, and such delinquent water accounts are subject to shut-off at the discretion of the Director.
(b) When water bills are not paid within twenty days after becoming due, the Director may do either or both of the following:
(1) Certify them, together with the penalties provided hereinabove and interest allowed by law, to the County Auditor who shall place them on the real property tax list and duplicate against the property served by the connection. The Director shall, at the time of such certification, also certify that the unpaid rents have arisen pursuant to a service contract made directly with the owner of the property served. The amount placed on the tax list and duplicate shall be a lien on the property served from the date placed on the tax list and duplicate and shall be collected in the same manner as other Municipal taxes.
(2) Collect them, together with the penalties provided hereinabove and interest allowed by law, by action at law, in the name of the City, from the owner, tenant and/or other person who is liable to pay the rents.
(Ord. 59-2017. Passed 9-18-17.)
(a) All applications for water service shall be made by contract between the record title owner of the property to be served and the City, provided however, that an agent who represents himself to be authorized by the owner may make the application and contract on behalf of the owner upon agreeing to be personally liable for water and sewer charges and providing such security as the Director may require. Within fourteen days of the signing of any contract for water service with the City, proper proof of ownership of the premises to be served shall be presented to the City. Should proper proof of ownership not be presented within fourteen days, the City shall have the right to cancel the contract and to terminate the water service provided to the premises.
(b) As used in this section, "proper proof of ownership" means either the original or a photocopy of the owner's deed, land contract, or similar document setting forth the ownership of the property to be served.
(c) As used in this section, "record title owner" includes the grantee or grantees named in a deed which grantee or grantees are also listed as the current owner or owners on the records of the Auditor of Lucas County, Ohio, Real Estate Division, and shall also include the land contract vendee or vendees of such a grantee or grantees.
(d) In the event that the record title owner of the property to be served is a corporation, partnership, association or other entity, the application for water service shall be signed by a duly authorized officer of such entity.
(Ord. 59-2017. Passed 9-18-17.)
Any person or persons, firm, corporation or association owing water rent and moving to other premises where there are water connections, or where connections shall be made, before being permitted to use the water, shall pay all former delinquencies. Should it come to the attention of the Director that any person or persons, firm, corporation or association, currently using City water, owes the City for any water charges incurred at a former premises in the City Water District, those charges owed plus penalty and interest shall be added to the account for water currently being used and the same shall be billed to the consumer; provided, however, the late charge shall not be compounded. All unpaid accounts for water shall be a lien against the property served and all unpaid accounts for water charges of any person or persons, firm, corporation or association incurred previously at premises served by a City water connection shall be a lien against the premises currently being served.
(Ord. 59-2017. Passed 9-18-17.)
(a) New water customers shall not be required to pay a water turn-on charge regardless of when it is turned on.
(b) Customers applying for a vacation turn-off and turn-on shall pay a charge of twenty- five dollars ($25.00) on applying for the turn-off.
(c) Except as provided in subsections (a) and (b) hereof, there shall be no charge for turning water off and/or on for any owner unless shut-off and/or turn-on is caused by a violation of this chapter or Chapter 921, or any part thereof; provided, however, that a special charge of one hundred twenty dollars ($120.00) for a shut-off and/or turn-on for the same owner, shall be made to the owner of premises served if any of the work necessary to effect such shut-off and/or turn-on is completed by any City employee at a time other than regular working hours for City employees.
(Ord. 59-2017. Passed 9-18-17.)