11-1-5: PENALTY:
In accordance with Utah Code § 10-3-703, the City imposes the following penalties for a violation of this Title:
   A.   Civil. In addition to other remedies as provided by law or equity, any subdivider, subdivider's agent, employee, purchaser, or assign (in whole or part) in violation of this Title is subject to a civil fine not to exceed seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) per violation, per day, that a violation continues.
   B.   Criminal. Any subdivider, subdivider's agent or employee, purchaser, or assign (in whole or part) who violates the provisions of this Title is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor with a fine not to exceed seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) and/or a term of imprisonment up to ninety (90) days. Each violation constitutes a separate offense. (Sub. Ord.; 1997 Code; amd. Ord. 2024-01, 4-16-2024)