In addition to the definitions set forth in Utah Code 10-9a-103, the following definitions apply, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:
A.   The Planning Commission shall act as the approval authority for the Preliminary Plat.
B.   The Public Works Director or designee shall act as the approval authority for the Final Plat.
The land surrounded by public streets and rights-of-way, or land which is designated as a block on any recorded subdivision plat.
Sunset City, Utah.
Davis County, Utah.
The process by which the Public Works Director, acting as the administrative land use authority, receives comment and reviews documentation related to the subdivision, and, once all requirements and standards are met, issues final plat approval. The Public Works Director receives comments from city and county officials who provide technical expertise, policy requirements, and application of appropriate standards regarding development applications under the applicable codes.
That portion of a lot or lots reserved for present or future use by a person or entity other than the legal owner or owners of said property or properties. An easement may be for use under, on, or above said lots or lots.
The Sunset City Planning Commission unless another planning commission is specifically named.
The Public Works Director of Sunset City, Utah, or a consulting engineering firm designated as the Public Works Director by the City Council.
The process for review of a complete subdivision application. There may be multiple fifteen (15) business day reviews for the preliminary plat review cycle. There shall be no more than four (4) total review cycles of twenty (20) business days for a final plat.
A.   A single review cycle shall be considered complete when:
   1.   Complete Application is submitted to the Administrative Land Use Authority;
   2.   The Administrative Land Use Authority: Review is complete;
   3.   The Applicant Response to Review is complete; and
   4.   The Administrative Land Use Authority provides a written statement to the Applicant stating completion of the review cycle and next required steps for approval.
B.   Review Cycle, exceptions as follows:
   1.   Additional Review Cycle(s). May be required when a modification or correction is necessary to protect public health and safety or to enforce state or federal law when a change or correction is necessitated by the Applicant's adjustment to a plan set or an update to a phase plan that adjusts infrastructure needed for the specific development.
   2.   Additional Time for Review. If the Applicant does not submit a revised plat within twenty (20) business days after the Administrative Land Use Authority requires a modification or correction, the Administrative Land Use Authority shall have an additional twenty (20) business days to respond.
The cash escrow or irrevocable letter of credit used by the applicant or developer to guarantee the proper installation of the total cost of public improvements determined by the Public Works Director, plus ten percent (10%) of the total cost as contingency, and naming the City as a party eligible to draw upon said security.
Various types of transportation corridors defined as follows:
A.   "Street" means a thoroughfare which has been dedicated or abandoned to the public and accepted by proper public authority, or a thoroughfare with a solid asphalt or concrete surface not less than twenty-six feet (26') wide which has been made public by right of use, and which affords the principal access to the abutting property, excepted where limited.
   Collector street:
A street, existing or proposed, of considerable continuity which is the main means of access to the major street system.
A minor terminal street provided with an adequate turnaround.
   Major Street:
A street, existing or proposed, which serves or is intended to serve as a major trafficway, and is designated on the Major Streets Plan as a limited or controlled access highway, major street, parkway or other equivalent term to identify those streets comprising the basic structure of the Major Streets Plan.
   Minor Street:
A street, existing or proposed, which is supplementary to a collector street and of limited continuity, which serves or is intended to serve the local needs of a neighborhood.
   Private Street:
A thoroughfare within a development which has been reserved by dedication unto the subdivider or lot owners to be used as a private access to serve the lots platted within the subdivision and complying with the adopted street cross section standards of the City and maintained by the subdivider or other private entity.
The division of a tract or parcel of land into three (3) or more parts for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of a sale of a building development; provided, that if any person within one calendar year divides any tract into three (3) or more parts, such land shall be deemed a subdivision within the meaning of this Title. Providing, however, that this definition of a subdivision shall not include a bona fide division or partition of agricultural land in parcels of more than one acre for other than development purposes, nor shall it include the division of property in commercial or industrial districts for commercial or industrial developments where no new streets are required or are to be dedicated for public use; nor shall it include or apply to the allocation of land in the settlement of an estate, or a court decree for the distribution of property.
The zoning and land use regulations in the Sunset City Municipal Code. (Sub. Ord.; amd. Ord. 2024-01, 4-16-2024)