Applications for new construction of a single- or two-family dwelling in Sunset City shall be accompanied by and shall comply with the following:
   A.   Appropriate application form and fees.
   B.   One paper copy and an electronic copy of the detailed plan shall be required, which plan shall include a site plan and an architectural plan with appropriate drawings of adequate scale showing building materials, exterior elevations and floor plans of all proposed structures.
   C.   The following design criteria shall be required:
      1.   Both the exterior building design and the exterior building materials of all buildings shall be of sufficient quality, durability, and resistance to the elements to satisfy the purpose of this chapter. Exterior siding materials may include, but shall not be limited to, brick, concrete, glass, metal lap, vinyl lap, tile, stone, stucco and/or wood. All exterior materials shall be installed in a professional workmanlike manner and maintained.
      2.   The roof of each dwelling shall have a minimum pitch of four inches to twelve inches (4"–12"). At nongable ends of the roof, there shall be an overhang at the eaves of not less than twelve inches (12") inclusive of rain gutters. For homes with cantilevered rooms, sixty percent (60%) of the eave's length shall have a twelve inch (12") eave. The roof overhang shall be measured perpendicular to the vertical side of the dwelling. Unfinished galvanized steel or aluminum roofing shall not be permitted. These pitch and overhang provisions shall not apply to porch covers, bay windows, or similar appendages.
      3.   Each dwelling shall be not less than twenty feet (20') in depth at the narrowest point. The depth shall be considered to be the lesser of the two (2) primary dimensions of the dwelling exclusive of attached garages, bay windows, room additions, or other similar appendages.
      4.   Any previously occupied dwelling which is to be moved from an existing location to a lot within Sunset City shall be inspected by the building official of Sunset City, or his designated representative, prior to the move to ensure that it meets applicable building codes.
      5.   Prefabricated or modular homes or structures shall have their plans inspected by the building official of Sunset City, or his designated representative, prior to the move to ensure that they meet applicable building codes.
      6.   Landscaping on residential lots shall comply with the following:
         a.   Landscaping shall be installed in front yards between the front line of the house and the sidewalk on the entire width of the lot excluding the driveway. On corner lots, landscaping shall be installed in all areas between the sidewalk and the side of the house between the front property line and the rear property line which are visible from the public right of way.
         b.   Landscaping shall include at least one tree and a combination of lawn, shrubs or ground cover. Ground cover may include vegetative vines, low spreading shrubs, or annual or perennial flowering or foliage plants. Ground cover may also include mineral or nonliving organic permeable material or nonliving organic permeable material in not more than fifty percent (50%) of the net landscaped areas. Mineral ground cover may include such materials as rocks, boulders, gravel, or brick over sand. Species, size, and placement of landscape elements shall be determined by the homeowner.
      7.   Final grading of individual lots shall be performed in such a way that excess water shall be contained entirely on the site or directed to an improved street or directed to an approved drainage inlet, drainage channel or drainage easement. Excess water shall not be allowed to drain onto adjacent private property unless approved as part of an overall system, as reflected in the subdivision approval or otherwise. Residents shall cooperate to ensure that drainage water is properly channeled to and through the proper easements. Rain gutters, in addition to those required by the building code, may be required.
      8.   All dwellings shall meet any additional state or federal requirements to be classified and taxed as real property.
      9.   All single-family detached dwellings shall have a minimum area of one thousand (1,000) square feet on the main floor, or floors. A basement shall not be considered as a main floor. Measurements to determine the minimum area of a dwelling shall be taken from the outside of foundation walls.
      10.   The site plan shall reflect all easements on the property. (Ord. 2002-05, 4-2-2002; amd. Ord. 2021-01, 6-1-2021)