1105.05 LOTS.
   (a)    Zoning Conformance. The lot size, width, depth, and the minimum Building Setback Lines shall conform to the minimum requirements of the existing Township Zoning Regulations.
   (b)    Double-Frontage Lot. Lots shall be laid out so that there are no double-frontages except:
(1)   Where extreme conditions in elevation prevent access to the lot from one (1) of the streets;
(2)   Where it is necessary to separate residential lots from major arterial thoroughfares. Where double-frontage lots are created adjacent to arterial thoroughfares, a minimum twenty (20) foot wide reserve strip along the arterial thoroughfares shall be deeded to the County of Summit. The Final Plat shall state that there shall be no right of access across such reserve strip. The Planning Commission may require buffering per Section 1106.06.
   (c)    Lot Lines. Lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines. Lot lines should follow municipal, township and county boundary lines rather than cross them.
   (d)    Lot Depth. No lot depth shall exceed four and one-half (4½) times the lot width unless otherwise required by local zoning resolutions. The lot width shall be measured at the minimum building setback line. This also applies to Section 1103.03(a).
   (e)    Access to Public Streets. Unless otherwise permitted herein, the subdividing of land whether as a Major or Minor Subdivision, shall provide each lot with a minimum of fifty (50) thirty (30) feet of continuous frontage on a dedicated street. Access to public streets shall comply with the Access Management Manual.
(Res. 2008-026. Adopted 3-17-08; Ord. 2015-561. Adopted 1-25-16.)
1105.06 EASEMENTS.
   (a)    Easements in General. Adequate easements along rear or side lot lines shall be provided for utilities and drainage where necessary. A ten (10) foot easement on each front lot line for utilities is required.
   (b)    Stormwater and Drainage Easements. A drainage easement shall be provided, where a Subdivision is traversed by a, new or improved ditch, storm sewers or detention and retention basins that were constructed as part of the development and post construction water quality practices. The easement width shall be a minimum of thirty (30) feet or as the County Engineer and Planning Commission may require. The easement width for the major (100-year) storm path shall be a minimum of thirty (30) feet wide. The easement width for the overland floodways shall be dependent upon the width of the channel plus any operational space deemed necessary by the County Engineer.
   (c)    Fire Pond Easements. Easements shall be provided as may be required for fire ponds and related appurtenances.
   (d)    Utility Lines. All utility lines shall be located underground.
(Res. 2008-026. Adopted 3-17-08; Ord. 2015-561. Adopted 1-25-16.)
   (a)    Grading Plan. A master grading plan shall be a part of required Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan and Improvement Plans for all Major Subdivisions and may be required for other proposals. This grading plan shall show contour lines at two (2) foot intervals, with stormwater best management practice details at one (1) foot intervals. Elevations are to be based on the NAVD88, and the grading plan shall show:
(1)   Existing and proposed contour lines.
(2)   Yard swales.
(3)   Minimum building envelope and other spot elevations.
(4)   Lot layout and lot dimensions.
(5)   Finished grade of streets.
(6)   Stormwater management features and major storm routing path (if applicable, include fire pond).
   (b)    Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan. 
(1)   SWPPP. When the Developer intends to remove or disturb the natural topsoil, trees, and other vegetation, and/or add impervious surfaces, or where the Developer intends to change the surface contour of a proposed Subdivision, he/she shall prepare a SWPPP and have such plan approved by the Summit Soil and Water prior to the commencement of earthwork. The SWPPP shall be included in the improvement drawings and the Stormwater Management Plan. In general, erosion and sediment control work will consist of phasing construction, minimizing disturbed areas, timely application of temporary and permanent seeding, and the installation of temporary structural erosion and post-construction best management sediment control practices as specified in Chapter 941 of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Summit. The SWPPP shall also include the design of permanent structural and non-structural post construction water quality practices their associated long term maintenance agreement. Summit Soil and Water has developed a check list to assist with the creation of the SWPPP which is included in Appendix L.
(2)   Storm Water Management. When impervious surfaces are proposed for a development project, the Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan shall include all structural and non-structural features that convey, detain, retain, infiltrate, and filter storm water runoff to manage and treat storm water runoff both as to quantity and quality from the development site as specified in Chapter 943 of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Summit and the Summit County Engineer's Stormwater Drainage Manual. Practices may include retention and detention basins, swales, ditches, storm sewer pipes and storm water inlets and post construction water quality practices.
(3)   Inspection. The County Engineer and the Summit Soil and Water will have the work inspected to insure that the Developer has complied with the approved plans or necessary environmental conditions. Summit Soil and Water will provide site inspections to verify compliance with the SWPPP. Failure to comply with the plan may result in enforcement. The County Engineer may take necessary steps to provide corrective measures, and the cost of such services will be charged to the Developer. This does not relieve the Developer or contractor of any liability that may arise. No project will be released from Bond if there is failure to comply with an approved Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan unless the Developer has performed cleanup and repair of damages. Final inspection requires all drainage facilities to be free of deposits from erosion, siltation and construction debris. The Preliminary Plan(s) for subsequent phases and proposed Final Plat(s) will be disapproved if there are compliance issues on any phase of a development. (Also refer to Inspection Requirements per Section 1110.07(c)).
         (Res. 2008-026. Adopted 3-17-08; Ord. 2015-561. Adopted 1-25-16.)