   Design of the Subdivision shall consider existing county, township and regional comprehensive plans and shall be based on analysis of site characteristics. To the maximum extent practicable, development shall be located to preserve the natural features of the site, to avoid areas of environmental sensitivity and to minimize negative impacts and alterations of natural features and habitat to the extent consistent with the reasonable utilization of land and in accordance with state, local or federal regulations including but not limited to the following:
   (a)   Unique or fragile areas, including wetlands, as may be defined in Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, as amended, and in OEPA standards.
   (b)   Land in the Floodway and Floodway Fringe as identified and mapped using the FEMA's Flood Hazard Boundary Maps.
   (c)   Steep slopes in excess of eighteen (18) percent unless appropriate engineering measures concerning slope stability, erosion and resident safety are taken into account.
   (d)   Habitats of endangered wildlife, as identified on federal and state lists.
   (e)   Historically and culturally significant structures and sites, as listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
   (f)   Land located within 100 feet of an existing oil or gas well, 200 feet from an existing tank battery and 50 feet from a proposed street pavement edge to an existing oil or gas well and/or an existing tank battery shall remain undeveloped.
   (g)   Riparian Setbacks per Chapter 937 of these Codified Ordinances or applicable township zoning.
      (Res. 2008-026. Adopted 3-17-08; Ord. 2015-561. Adopted 1-25-16.)
1105.04 BLOCKS.
   (a)    Residential Block Lengths. The long dimension of a residential block shall not exceed one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet.
   (b)    Commercial or Industrial Blocks. Blocks intended to be used for commercial or industrial purposes shall be designed specifically for such uses with adequate space set aside for off-street parking and loading facilities as required by the applicable zoning.
(Res. 2008-026. Adopted 3-17-08.)
1105.05 LOTS.
   (a)    Zoning Conformance. The lot size, width, depth, and the minimum Building Setback Lines shall conform to the minimum requirements of the existing Township Zoning Regulations.
   (b)    Double-Frontage Lot. Lots shall be laid out so that there are no double-frontages except:
(1)   Where extreme conditions in elevation prevent access to the lot from one (1) of the streets;
(2)   Where it is necessary to separate residential lots from major arterial thoroughfares. Where double-frontage lots are created adjacent to arterial thoroughfares, a minimum twenty (20) foot wide reserve strip along the arterial thoroughfares shall be deeded to the County of Summit. The Final Plat shall state that there shall be no right of access across such reserve strip. The Planning Commission may require buffering per Section 1106.06.
   (c)    Lot Lines. Lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines. Lot lines should follow municipal, township and county boundary lines rather than cross them.
   (d)    Lot Depth. No lot depth shall exceed four and one-half (4½) times the lot width unless otherwise required by local zoning resolutions. The lot width shall be measured at the minimum building setback line. This also applies to Section 1103.03(a).
   (e)    Access to Public Streets. Unless otherwise permitted herein, the subdividing of land whether as a Major or Minor Subdivision, shall provide each lot with a minimum of fifty (50) thirty (30) feet of continuous frontage on a dedicated street. Access to public streets shall comply with the Access Management Manual.
(Res. 2008-026. Adopted 3-17-08; Ord. 2015-561. Adopted 1-25-16.)